One of the things that sucks about being trans is that you literally only have other trans people as options to be...

One of the things that sucks about being trans is that you literally only have other trans people as options to be friends with. It's such a small pool of people.

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That's not true
When you boymode you can try to be friends with cis men and women
When you girlmode you can try to be friends with cis women

hey you’ll meet like. 1-3 cool cis people

> and then they’ll troon out or they’re repressing

If you're ever feeling lonely, you can always sleep with a chaser

what sucks most about being trans is that you're trapped in a body that you can only change in vague, slow, ways and will never be what you desire on a fundamental level

cant be friends with cis people?? i may be a chaser but that doesn't mean much. i think.

>cis women
Too different and think you're weird or treat you like some weird pet
>cis men
Either really mean or complicate things by falling in love

The only genuine friendships a trans person can have where there is a similar amount of mutual respect. Nothing else can compare.

wtf are you talking about all my friends are cis I've only ever even known like 2 trans people in my entire life and I'm not close with either of them

I’m trans and I don’t have any trans friends

If a straight cis man sees a transwoman as a real woman, they can't be friends. Men and women can't be friends without sex complicating things.

That’s not enough

That's only if you don't pass user

This is totally false. I'm a hardcore Republican Trump supporter, and my gf is trans as well as 4 of my 10 closest friends. We play video games together, play instruments together, and go camping and shit. I taught my gf to shoot a deer and we ate its meat.

My gf is a passoid youngshit and one of the others somehow passes despite transitioning at 30, but the rest are Hons. And not to be too dramatic but I would go to the fucking wall for them, fight for them, die by their side if they got in some deep shit, etc. They're all ride or die for me.

I want those brown and black stripes off the fucking lgbt flag.

Can confirm. My trans gf was my bestie at one point.

how do your gf, your friends and you feel about conservative laws outlawing transitioning for minors

This. You're turning off the youngshit passoid pipeline lol

You support politicans and policies which impede their liberty and happiness

I'm the only trans person in my group of 10 friends in our 20s and 30s.

We see each other weekly.

When you don't make being trans your whole personality, the world truly is your oyster. Get some hobbies and branch out.

No trans people should only have cis friends. Trying to be friends with other trannies is insulated and hugboxpilled, avoid it.

Cisoids are so hateful

Umm we argue about it raucously, we make various points, they give me the gears and I give them the gears. I have changed their perspectives on some things just as they've changed mine. And they've changed each other's. But politics aren't their whole lives nor mine, and we have a lot more that binds us together than wedge issues would drive us apart. That really was the most important realization - that we're being recruited by twitter, Reddit, and Hollywood to serve as political soldiers and turn against each other. And FWIW, because we cross pollinate like this, none of us support the entire block of issues championed by our party. Some of the trans people are more economically conservative, or racist, etc. While some of the Republicans in the group are pro choice etc.

And you support politicians that create policies that keep the poor poor, lower average quality of life in cities, clog our public services, and drive business away. Do you want those things? No, you want better lives for trans people but somehow it's stapled to economic and cultural suicide and misdirecting classist anger toward a bigotry boogeyman, but you're ok with that.

Same as I'm ok with my politicians doing shit I don't like, because there's more shit they do which I do like.

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So are trans people. People are hateful.

They're also compassionate and funny and complex and... human. You're fighting a losing battle if you start any relationship with "cisoids" under the assumption they'll be hateful.

My friends can be rude, but they're incredibly supportive of me and my wife.

unfathomably based

t. tranny surrounded by cis Trump voting friends

Date a lonely chaser
Be each others' only friend
Do everything together
Every waking moment
And also sleeping
Hate all other trannies and chasers, only your unique relationship is valid
This is the path to happiness