I can't have my bf's kids :(

i can't have my bf's kids :(

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Because you're a man

Get a trans male bf. Cheers

st4t is based but i'm not impregnating someone, that'd be gross

eww pooners are repulsive

>bf cant impregnate tranny ass
fucking weak. find a real man

On the flipside of that, he can't give you kids either

Coward. Guess you'll never have a kid then

>imagine being so AGP and meta attracted that you fetishize something as wondrous as pregnancy

what about this implies that it's a sexual desire?

Then you’ll never have children.

Straighties also fetishize pregnancy

Because to transwomen it is about sexual gratification through the calidation of their femininity. Why on earth do you think a meta attracted transbian is sad that she won't have the kids of a husband she is not even attracted to? Because she will never get to feel the femininity of new life growing inside her.

i am attracted to my bf though

Many such cases

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You are mistaking meta attraction for legitimate attraction and it will end badly for both you and him. Just let him go. It will be better in the long run.

you don't know anything about me, how can you make the judgement on if i am or am not agp meta-attracted?

Statistically there is 90% chance you are an AGP meta attracted transbian and 10% chance you are not. Considering HSTSs do not go around fetishizing pregnancy and motherhood and just like being flamboyant gay men what the fuck do you think you are?

All trannies are meta attracted

pregnancy is straight up body horror shit
breeders are mentally ill

seems like you're pulling these stats and assertions out of your ass
can't i just love my bf and want to give him kids?

Just adopt you retard.

I honestly wish I could, adoption has a LOT of issues, more than I could list. Surrogacy is illegal in my country (it would be very cool to create a child with my sister in law egg and brothers sperm, so I would have a child related to both my hubby and me), so I don't know how to cope because I really would like to have 4 children, I'm turning 29 soon and to me the best age to be mother are their 30s, I wish they make uterus transplants possible soon, better if I could create eggs with my own blood somehow..


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