/tttt/ thoughts on T4T

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts on T4T was. To me it seems like a pretty obviously good solution. Just get all the straight or bi reppers and have them work it out. Way to autistic for people? Find an equally autistic trans gf or bf. Insane and crazy sexual fetishes and cum brain? Trans people are like 70% coomers, you'll be fine. Hate yourself and have insane dysphoria? Now your partner can relate, and you can hug eachother and cry.

What do yall think?

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transbian t4t can be incredibly based, dunno about straight t4t or ftm t4t (have never seen such a relationship)

I understand rapehon4rapehon and aydan4aydan because they've no choice, but I cannot possibly imagine an mtf willingly choosing to be with a vaginator.

where can one find rapehon4rapehon,,

cringe coping mechanism for subhumans mentally and physically unfit for actual society to emotionally masturbate using each other because noone else would tolerate their horrifying antics and appearance

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speak to
idk best bf I had was ftm, but Im also a detrooner so I dont really count

i'm only attracted to men but will only date other trans women uwu


I dislike t4t, because often you will be playing the male role in the dynamic, not literally, but you'll be treating them from a more male role.

You might be the one holding them, instead of being held way more than you like, fucking rather than get fucked, expected this or that, which is typically what the man does.

It lacks the visceral male energy of dating a man too, there is a lot of comfort and charm in a man, and a feminized male is a poor substitute.
Also they will fuck you a girly energy, if they fuck you at all. It's very sweet and tender, but it isn't satisfying in the same way.
I always end up craving the company of a man.
Badly, even if all else it typically well.

It sucks crying and wanting to be held, but your girl never see's you like that is uncomfortable, while I man would swoop you up, hold you, and pet you till your feeling better...
A tranny might too, but only if the dynamic is really flexible, and sometime with two equals there is little were to go...

Oh and to top it off. I dont really like female behavior, so it can get a little old, when you'd want some male like responses to your own behavior

It is nice though, having someone to spend time with, you'll be able to talk a lot, communicate a lot. Your natural sensitivities are pretty well respected.
Might have the same goofy sensibilities you have too.

my favorite kind of partner is another mtf. i cant experience a similar level of attraction to other kinds of people, despite having a bf. theres nothing more liberating than agp transbian sex

Bit shallow, but I've been a foot or even more taller than most trans men I've met, idk if either of us would like that difference. I do love their swagger though, trans guys seem great at giving compliments and are super confident, which really puts me at ease. A person being trans or cis isn't really a big deal for me

t4t sounds really comfy
i like trans guys a lot but idk if any would be okay with a hon :c

>best bf I had was ftm
same and im mtf

boris I have literally told you I want you to fuck me
why can you not accept mtf love??

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st4t is the most kino pairing.

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unironically yes it is.

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extremely kino

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I'm not trans and I'd never fuck anyone who insists I'm trans.

are you a different boris than the one I remember, or have you started repping?
weird if the latter, given you got top surgery as I recall...

I have cock n balls and no vag. I'm a man(male).

I chase Aydens and I partially started T because many seem to be into T4T and I don't want them to think I see them as a woman. They're just the superior kind of man.

>I've been a foot or even more taller than most trans men I've met, idk if either of us would like that difference.
I’ve been with cis girls noticeably taller than me, so a taller trans girl doesn’t bother me either.