You're letter

>you're letter
>you're favourite movie

Your Name

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Mtf and it's a mix up between district 9 and black swan

I dont think i've watch a movie since 2020

american psycho

you're a repressor

Pic rel

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What am I repressing exactly?

Balade runner (don't know if I preffer the first or 2049)
T. Amab nb
You have bad taste

Bi male.
The Fellowship Of The Ring.

Mtf bi
A serious man or whiplash

cism b
madoka magica rebellion

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Dr. Strange love

mtf repper

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Real question, who would you smash from The Fellowship?

Great film


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Either Requiem for a Dream or Perfect Blue

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Afab transbian, Solaris

Kiki is so underrated I swear to god! It's my favourite ghibli movie too. It's too comfy for it's own good!

I love all of the films, but Kiki speaks to me in a different way completely. The circumstances aren't truly absurd or anything. Despite being a witch, it's very mundane and human driven. Kiki, for all purposes, is just a girl. Even as a witch her only skill seems to be flying on a broom and she's just making the best use of it. Even the big drama of the story is low key and quite personal. As is the disaster in it.

I suppose it makes me realize what I want isn't really some.. big ornate adventure or to be anyone special. What I want is far more simple and attainable.

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Well you posted kino, that's one of my favorite movies ever and it made me realize I was mtf when it came out...

I saw that movie as a kid and the whole movie I just wished I was her