You should fucking kill yourself already

You should fucking kill yourself already.

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you have no idea how happy it makes me that my existence upsets you so much

>straight men's stress response is a stress response
They really will publish anything these days huh

>making cishet males upset
my favourite hobby. imagine being this bothered

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what if i don't kiss men but just suck cock is that okay?

my nigga
it's implied we should care about what they think

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And also if it bothers you look away lol
I would personally not kiss my bf in public bc i think it's gross if a couple does that (straight or gay)

OP got conditioned like a dog to respond to gay stimuli just the way other brainwashed NPCs want him to.

I cant imagine not wanting to look at people engaging in gay sex, especially men. God i love being a faggot. Imagine being a butthurt right wing christcuck.

>b-but it's natural for alpha males!! just look at wolves monkeys blah blah

No one on this board is a gay man
We’re all transbians

Being disgusting is Beautiful ok?

Seeing two mascs kiss? Yes
seeing masc x fem or fem x fem? No
Masc x masc is gross bro
Not bi, but masc x fem makes my delusional immigrant morality ok with being a fag so i will hold onto it being the only kino pairing

>makes my delusional immigrant morality ok with being a fag
cringe on the level of OP, but at least he's straight so it's expected he would be a retard

I am straight, the men i date are women. You see, this way i do not sin.

reminder that this is a conditioned response

Straight's man digestive reaction to consuming salad is the same as eating rotten meat

Not wanting to eat shit is a conditioned response. Eat. The. Poo

no its not

Yes it is

Oh hey, I remember that study. They vastly oversampled mormons, like 40-50% of the total sample size. Definitely not a biased study at all, nope.

>the same sentence three times