What is the best city to live in for trannies in ohio?

what is the best city to live in for trannies in ohio?

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A city that isn't in ohio, I should think

prolly Columbus

I would rather die than leave the best state in America

The necro city in which the one true Queen of Eastern Ohio, Dream of the Endless, Mother of Ravens, Ghoul of the Black Cabal resides.

Looks like they're working on that. Give it a few years and you may get your wish

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good youngshits don't deserve rights

I hate living in ohio

you are spoiled. go live in any other midwestern state, the south, or a liberal shithole and you'll be crying on your knees to come back

why do we all live in ohio

ohio and georgia are the only cultural states besides california, new york, and texas

I was born here

There are no transgirls to date out here

This place sucks

big true

Come to my liberal shithole, there's transgirls everywhere. I find it baffling when flyover trans women screech about how much they hate the libtards, simping for nazis isn't going to get you spared from the gas chambers. I guess it's stockholm syndrome but jesus christ

Im a chaser

I was not simping over republicans. The neoliberal democratic party and its policies have failed nearly every big city

Im an far left anarchist and a chaser

Oh. Well come here anyway, unless you're the retarded right wing kind of chaser, in which case stay there.

Ok tulsi gabbard, stay in ohio then, I'm sure the gay conversion camps will be much more to your liking


Far left Anarchist



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Yeah the state known for its timidness is gonna pack me up and send me to a gay conversion camp. Do you understand how delusional you sound right now?

Columbus! NW ohio here! add me!

I went to school in ohio, I don't know what you mean by "timidness" but by midwest standards I had more open hate directed at me and my friends than any other place in the midwest. Granted I never had to live in indiana or iowa so maybe it's worse there.


nothing but a vacation state
lolwut nobody lives there but retarded republicans
woah d00d we have weed, man
nothing but mormons and ex mormons living in the desert
haha we are ze poor state with ze water down francias culture oui oui
if you wanted to suggest actual states the two would be florida and oregon/nevada