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god I wish there was more trans awareness when I was a teen, just crude jokes about crossdressers and porn

... when you're young enough that "pediatric" applies there's literally no difference between male and female yet besides down there???
at this rate ppl gonna have trans dogs

Trans people mostly start experiencing dysphoria as kids, and that's also the best time to properly diagnose them and start medical intervetion, and that's why it's so important for pediatric gender clinics to exist.

go back to facebook

fucking kek
no retard that's when kids have room temp iq and say whatever the fuck they wanna say
but ofc you're just as dumb so you think they're somehow intelligent enough to understand what they're saying

Pediatric applies until you’re 18 I believe. I went to one of these clinics when I was 15-17 and they prescribed me hormones after a while of therapy and visits and stuff. They aren’t going to be doing this for small children for the most part

ohhhhh ok
yeah now it makes sense, nvm, op is a faggot
trans people who experience dysphoria as kids often grow out of it
trans people who experience dysphoria as adolescents usually don't
this is probably because when you're a kid you have nothing to actually be dysphoric about

Diagnosing gender dysphoria is not as simple as a kid stating that they're a different gender, it takes a very thorough process for them to get diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a trained medical professional.

can you give a qrd

You WILL be feminized by your hairy, burly Muslim husband

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again, go back to Facebook you zero iq retard, you're not making any argument you're just trying to pass off conjecture as "common sense" because your chimp brain isn't capable of processing new information

>Signs and symptoms, as outlined by the DSM-5, include a marked incongruence between experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, of at least six months duration, as manifested by at least six of the following (one of which must be criterion A1):

>A1: A strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that one is the other gender
>A2: A strong preference for wearing clothes typical of the opposite gender
>A3: A strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play
>A4: A strong preference for the toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender
>A5: A strong preference for playmates of the other gender
>A6: A strong rejection of toys, games and activities typical of one's assigned gender
>A7: A strong dislike of one's sexual anatomy
>A8: A strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match one's experienced gender

post body
bet you dont pass

negging doesn't work on people who aren't retarded you fat coomer faggot

no body? no argument?
ok then

Wish I was groomed growing up at least then I'd have people telling me what they like

Now you have your pick of places to shoot up.

Lol I can put fake pins on a map too

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Based. We needed more so the existing gender clinics didn’t get overburdened

>more people have access to healthcare
this scares the American