Mental illness cured?

Has his mental health improved enough to stop wanting to delude himself into being something he wasnt born as or what?

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you clicked the upvote button lol


Are there any issues sir tranny?

How can one look like a pooner and mtf at the same time? How do I learn this power

im a she/her femboy

Holy shit I feel bad for you but at the same time im glad you will suffer for the rest of your life

Unless you repent like El goblino

The androgynous AGP pooner. The peaker of non-binary expression.

All these terms you retards seem to dive on constantly

Yet you decide to live in deceit

>Yet you decide to live in deceit
I can't even tell if you're pinkpiller or a transphobe with that line lol

You always look away from the truth and the real message

Maybe this is why youre a tranny, your constant deviation and escape from reality and the truth

Stop trying to talk like a preacher lol. You’re fucking it up

See you cant never take a message

Its like your eyes cant read and interpret reality lol

You always look away, never confront an argument

Never confront the truth

Do you think you change anyones opinion lol, stop wasting your time and go outside faggot

You know who else doesnt like reality or lacks the ability to grasp it?

Loonies lol

Also Im not here to change your opinion

Im here to laugh at your incompetence as humans lol

this dude's life is so many twists and turns

Anyways have a good one you transvestites

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No tourist on here has ever said anything as hurtful as what the people of /tttt/ tell themselves and eachother. It'd probably be emasculating if they didn't pat themselves on the back with all the SJW owns they got inside their own heads.

Haha you're fat and don't have sex or a career.

He has that "kill me" repper look in his eyes on the left, and the contended "finally comfortable in my own skin" look on the right. I guess some people gotta tran out to realize they shouldn't tran out
Good for him, good for him

Okay this one made me kek

How old is he

He looks hysterical on the left and happy on the right.

goblin to goblin transition

People only detransition if their transition fails or they face enormous pressure from their families

el goblino.. feliz.. :)

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Didn’t he get bullied into being a tranny again? I feel bad for that little goblin.