Are crossdressers valid?

Are crossdressers valid?

Attached: cd2025922714.jpg (1001x1920, 421.31K)

Only if they're pretty/cute. Ugly CDs get the rope.

yep, they sure are. not really into them coopting trans girl spaces but they are as a legit as sissies and old school transvestites.

op's pic is cute. he looks like he's having fun.


fpbp and /thread

Are CDs considered trans?

Like Finn?

Attached: Finn 1649956906095.jpg (1920x1080, 349.38K)

I don't get what the chasers on Any Forums find about this guy. He doesn't pass at all, isn't cute and the boy-ness is still showing through all the hair and makeup and outfits. If you'd bang this you would be 100% gay, and not in the "fucking transgirls isn't gay" gay, I mean proper "I fuck men - gay" gay. Gay.

Reppers/chasers view him as something they could achieve if they trooned out.

I know, I'm 100% gay

i think most reppers are living vicariously through him. they'd troon if they knew they could be like him.

Yeah. But I think most things are valid. Like ugly crossdressers are just funny and comedic imo.

That's kind of the appeal. I fucking love androgyny, and tranners who look 100% female - sure they're cute but they don't activate my almonds quite as much as tgirls that look 80% female and 20% boyish. Those girls turn me into a sexual werewolf.

Like I care what you think, I'd deep tongue kiss her and it would be completely 100% straight

Ok... "straight boy" lol

Finn makes me want to troon out but my frame is stout: Wide shoulders, normal hips, but long legs. Would hormones and/or tit and hip pads help? I just turned 20 and am 5'7".

Nothing can fix wide shoulders, so don't bother.
You're not a tranny, you're falling for a meme.
Man up and become a chaser instead.

oh... I thought people thought he passed
imagine looking worse than him as a tranner, couldnt be me haha

He's not even trying to pass.

Attached: Finn topless.jpg (828x799, 383.55K)

My bone structure is masculine, I am a mesomorph, and my T levels are like 700ng/dl on antipsychotics. It's over because anal disgusts me.

>anal disgusts me
Would explain your low T score.