Can antipsychotics really cure gender dysphoria?

i would like to not have gender dysphoria

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was on them for a year or so, didn't do shit. maybe my dose was too low though

only if you're also psychotic
and only some of the time
if you are schizophrenic it is worth a shot

That shit messes up your body and some side effects can have lasting effects even when you're off them. If you're on Any Forums getting life advice I don't think you're doing all you can to help your mindset


also they give you tits so it's not even a good repression method

I don't think they can

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They're a bit like a chemical lobotomy, so if you take enough, you won't feel much of anything, and sleep 18 hours a day, and get massive manboobs anyways.
Antipsychotics are basically a last line of defense for when someone is schizo-ing out too hard to be saved, and modern society's sensibilities won't allow for euthanasia. So they just half kill them with chemicals.

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Well there's the Basant K. Puri et al., 1996 pimozide study but it had a sample size of 1 and the patient had a borderline learning disability so it's basically an anecdote.
Could be interesting if the study was repeated with more patients though.

why do people even refer to the n=1 pimozide study anyways. not only is it an obvious edge case, it's also not even the best example of said edge case. not sure if I can find it again but there is an n=3 risperidone study reporting largely the same findings.

>why do people even refer to the n=1 pimozide study anyways.
Desperation I presume.

yeah this, those are fucking brutal

I know of someone who got heart issues as a 20 years old from using anti psychotics to sleep cause nothing else was working

me too

same. i just deal with it though. i heard antipsychs are bad.

Ive been on antipsychotics for 4-5 years now and im still dyspohric. It sucks. Also it didnt even feel like it made a difference until i got off of it and felt like shit, so now im forced to be injected to stay sane

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Im afraid im borderline psychotic and have weird distortions in perception of others and sometimes the things around me so im not sure if i actually have dysphoria

if you're schizophrenic it can be really soothing to not have paranoia or hallucinations anymore

also in regards to ops question transition cured my dysphoria before anti-psychotics

magic mushrooms cured my gender dysphoria

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So what are you doing here?
Trying to enlight us?
Im for it if that's the case but i doubt

can you go into more detail user? im currently on antipsychotics for sleep and am worried now

t. 150 mg of seroquel gang