"bisexual" women

"bisexual" women

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I'm not into dudes 10+ yrs older than me but I'd let him.

Are hot and belong with bi men :)

are just meta-attracted autoandrophiles

So narcissists


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i don't know a single "bisexual" woman who doesn't have a boyfriend


Hey I'm a bisexual guy and my wife's bisexual too, just because we've never dated or fucked the same sex doesn't mean we aren't bi.

Why aren't you grooming femboys into your polycule yet?

Straight women who call themselves “bisexual” just because they find women pretty and occasionally watch lesbian porn have been a disaster for the bisexual female race.

true, so many that wouldn't actually date other women/are exclusively interested in cishet men

What are your thoughts on people who behave entirely like asexuals but maintain that they have a sexuality?

they're also obnoxiously loud about their "bisexuality" too

there's no group in lgbt i take less seriously than "bisexual" women

I don't see it as often but I do find it confusing. I've seen the inverse as well.
Unwillingness to be open about their true feelings maybe.

the worst is when they say shit like "I want a gf so bad but I'm stuck with my stupid bf"
It's disrespectful as fuck

Me fr fr, I'm also functionally straight because chicks hate me

They just do it for attention

>Straight men who call themselves “bisexual” just because they find men pretty and occasionally watch gay porn have been a disaster for the bisexual male race.
Explain why a guy doing this is 100% a closet homosexual and a woman doing it is 100% straight.

because society hates bisexual (optimal) men

not every girl has to be into you. are you into every girl?