I looked at old archives of this board in 2016. My brain can't unsee the cruelty of humanity...

I looked at old archives of this board in 2016. My brain can't unsee the cruelty of humanity. Even hell says "abandon all hope ye who enter" at the entrance and yet humans are far worse. I'm either off hrt, but more likely will boy mode indefinitely. This is a failed species and I don't consider myself human anymore just out of the disgust such a title brings.

This is only one of the many things I found.

Attached: svsdfvsdfv.png (415x361, 140.07K)

Tranners deserve better. I'm sorry the world is so cruel to you. For what it's worth, the best gfs I've had have all been trans. The best people I've known have all been trans. The world is measurably better with you in it.


why are men so angry and deranged

how do people hold so much hate within them
you really do all deserve better

I litterally don't care if someones a chaser personally. I care if they're a nice person looking for a longterm relationship. At the end of the day you can't actuallly know if someone actually sees you as a female as a trans person you can only go off the validation they give you i.e. someone lying is just as good as someone being genuine.

ok i'm a nice guy why don't you fuck me
oh wait u wont cuz u dont actually want nice guys u want impossible to get 10/10 chads who wouldnt even give a tranny the time of day

Good chaser

Bad chaser

"Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"

>Bad chaser
why cuz i'm telling it like it is?
fuck off retard

I curse you with tranny magic


Oh fuck guys, he said the n word!!!!! very scary!!!!!!

Seriously, grow up. This just makes you look immature. I hope you accidentally drop the n word in front of some large black dudes lmfao

yeah, you are

you act as if i couldn't fend off a pack of blacks with one arm tied behind my back

That’s horrible, makes me want to cry just thinking of a scenario like that happening to me

i am not nor will i ever be a nigger



Butthurt little white boy scared and mad. Do something about it you offended little FAGGOT

Post arm.

you and trancel poster are a match made in hell

Not even I, the poltard, would take it this far. What is even the point? The tranny didn't try to trick him or anything. Normies are sociopaths.

Attached: joker.gif (220x221, 230.25K)

It’s ok to be jelly for bbc

angry and jealous repper probably

>Butthurt little white boy scared and mad. Do something about it you offended little FAGGOT
i will curbstomp you
no im in bed rn
stop grooming me

Attached: bite the curb soph.png (896x676, 472.33K)


take your pills, Alice

the cute little schizo would complains that chasers only go for 10/10 tran gfs
very similar personalities, you’d get on well

oh first it was i dont deserve to be a tranny because i only take my pills and refuse to come out to my family or socially transition now that im off the pills i need to take them fucking cruel traggot fucks i stg
and no transitioning was nothing but a fetish to me. i have autoandrophilia, i'm not a real tranny.
give me their discord

>oh first it was i dont deserve to be a tranny because i only take my pills and refuse to come out to my family or socially transition now that im off the pills i need to take them fucking cruel traggot fucks i stg
and no transitioning was nothing but a fetish to me. i have autoandrophilia, i'm not a real tranny.
I don't even know who you are but this is hilarious

lmfao. Boomerhon in the making. Take your pills alice

i wish i had their discord

disgusting. you're a fucking sociopath. just like real women.
can't become a boomerhon if i don't live long enough to become a boomer.
you wound me

>impossible to get 10/10 chads who wouldnt even give a tranny the time of day
Not true I’m 6’6 and I gymmax, me and you have the same interests in sex

>you're a fucking sociopath. just like real women.
thanks ig lol

it wasn't a compliment

I'll take it as one anyway (:

i hate you

Thank you for your kind words. You seem very kind.
It is definetly not because you're a chaser. It' because how you are. Is everything ok user? (I'm genuinely asking)


I’m not, just start lookmaxxing. Or lower your standards not that hard incel.

>It is definetly not because you're a chaser. It' because how you are. Is everything ok user? (I'm genuinely asking)
everything's fucking peachy retard

that's nowhere near the worst things posted on this board at the time
i miss the times when people traumdumped about their abusive families and shit

...unironically user take your pills

>I'm not, just start lookmaxxing
no i don't want to masculinize any further
>Or lower your standards not that hard incel.
i'm a fucking chaser, my standards are already rock bottom

itt: what no tranner gf does to a mf

no the high tranny council has already decided that i shouldn't be allowed to so why the fuck would i
unless u mean my schizo pills, which in that case, i refuse to take them as well

>i'm a fucking chaser
more like a repressing tranny, take your pills


I don't understand what that word means but you should take your pills, Alice

Off-by-one of truth. My younger sister is trans and I don't know what I'd so without her, she's helped me through many difficult periods of my life.