Is Kendrick now approved by Any Forums?

Is Kendrick now approved by Any Forums?

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coddled, white trannies will get upset by the song, but it will unironically cause more progress than 99% of trans youtubers

What song is this, I rarely listen to black people noise

Auntie Diaries

Totally agree. My only critique was when he said faggot at the very end of the song - felt kinda not needed

same. i’m so confused by this thread. like we’re supposed to know that random nigga song or whatever

i thought it was really good, closet racist white queer zoomers are the only ones mad about it

Just listened to half of it, I do not understand why I should care
He's still black and his music sucks

not everything is for you sweaty

Nobody asked

I did.

the song is just Same Love 2, I think conscious rap should be illegal

tells the story of a trans man and trans woman in a positive light in the biggest hiphop album of the year, it will probably influence a lot of people, not just black, to rethink how homophobic and transphobic they are by default.

>Faggot, faggot, faggot,' we can say it together But only if you let a white girl say 'Nigga'"
is this anti-PC rap

No, lol.

he's saying that black people need to stop being hypocrites and saying slurs that don't apply to them when they act like no one should say nigger if they're not black

>hey, look, 1 black person is pro-trans!
Don't care. My opinion is not changed by 1 guy, especially not one who will financially profit from that

idk why people are acting like an artist on Kendrick's level is just saying slurs just to say them

grow a fucking brain

same love was really trashy pandering by a guy in the dead middle of selling out (trust me, I know, I was a fan of macklemore in like 2006 and he was never that great but he made a super obvious corporate jump in style around the whole thrift shop era and his music changed a ton) who knew his core audience (seattle) would love him for it and he would get press for it
at the very least kendrick has the benefit of not even being in that position. He doesn't really have anything to gain by preaching about this for no reason, he's widely seen as one of the greatest rappers of our generation and his core base definitely isn't blindly onboard for lgbt stuff. Same love was cynical and calculated was only ever an iconic song for WASPs not actual legbutts, whereas kendrick has nothing to gain from that so it can't be motivated by the same thing.
I think it's reasonable to call this pandering or "conscious" (i don't agree, but i can see where you're coming from) but comparing it to same love is pretty obtuse and really doesn't fit.

Kanye is better

imagine being so wrong lmao

imagine being so right lmao