Hasan drama is more important than texas wanting to kill trans people

Hasan drama is more important than texas wanting to kill trans people

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twitter trending is retarded what's new

Semiocapitalism 101
Thanks for playing

Does anyone have the dancing trashcans Twitter screencap thread video?

trending is2 curated by blue haired radlibs


Attached: twitterscreencapthread.webm (696x522, 1.72M)

Thank you

this pussy ass faggot still won't fight sam hyde

sorry but sam hyde already got whipped by tim heidecker.

Attached: 1648958932060.jpg (500x498, 35.76K)

>social media... le bad
we know it's le bad, stop reminding us

>4chin... le bad

Ah yes, twitter trending determines what's important in the world! I am very smart.

>BREAKING STORY: Twitch losers make up a large proportion of Twitter losers
More news at 10

I lost a lot of respect for Hasan when he started kowtowing to JiDion.

JiDion makes a shitty unfunny video with AWFUL takes, and then when Hasan points out some fallacies in his content and how it can be problematic, JiDion publicly roasts Hasan and calls him out as "more racist than the white supremacists" for being patronizing, despite JiDion literally being an actual literal retard that got kicked out of HIGH SCHOOL and BARELY completed even that, and makes his entire living by being a public menace/bully to random people in order to entertain edgy 14 year old boys. Hasan then continues to be apologetic and repeat how "hilarious the video was and how he really liked jidion's video overall". It's honestly fucking pathetic to see an actual GED retard think that he's qualified in any sort of capacity to intellectually compete with anyone on this very important topic, based entirely around the fact that he happens to be black (but is in actuality from a middle class background from a nice neighborhood in Texas).

JiDion is a fucking dipshit that makes shit content, and Hasan is a fucking coward for sucking him off all because he has more internet followers (children) than he does. I just wish black twitter and actual black activists would shit on jidion like he deserves to be for that godawful video and his stupid edgy unfunny dudebro nazi salute.

what did daddy do this time to get cancelled?

Hasan is a based Chad who defends the rights of youngshits to troon out at the optimal time. Also, America deserved 9/11.

okay left liking hasan more

good job Jidion, you proved his point.

He doesn't understand the racism behind the niceness. Like being a 'seperatist' is racist af, even if they explain it in a nice voice

What a moron, not to mention just saying Hasan doesn't go into the trenches. Meanwhile, he shows up to a Q annon rally as an ex-tyt commenator that is known for being Muslim

>he had respect for cenk uygurs midwit CIA plant nephew

Hasan wishes he was a midwit lmfao

Texas doesn't need any help with that.