Trannies what is your plan for when you get old?

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Wine aunt mode

be old

move back to mexico and set up my pottery studio at the small town i was born at

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cope with being unattractive

I'll just be old
I'm looking forward to getting older to be honest

If you're transmasc I wanna recreate picrel infront of your childhood church.

Have a small cute house with a pretty garden somewhere out of town with a nice husband I can live the rest of my days with

I won't get old

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You're one of the only trips who deserves to get old :(

Unless you're immortalized somehow in which case pls reverse that shit before you end up trillons of years in the future as the only spark of matter that hasn't succumbed to heat death.

mtf :( sorry gayden guy

join the 41%

Retire somewhere semi-rural with my girlfriend, spend the rest of my days enjoying my time with her

so based, mexitrannies rise up

To be old, duh, I'm already 33.

That's a cute number I'd be so tempted to put it on my gravestone x3
Luckily 77 is luckier.

>I'm looking forward to getting older to be honest
why? who the fuck looks forward to getting older? cis or otherwise

>You're one of the only trips who deserves to get old :(
I'm not tripping for that long, did you remember me already?

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BPD calms down and older people tend to be happier/more stable

Yeah you're lainmoding and also giving out good advice left right and centre nature is healing.
(Self isolation is doing a number on me usually I wouldn't notice you for like a month or so, I think)

getting to live long enough to be old is the goal. we're trans, not alchemists.

idk, seems like a confusion of objectives. I'm young, don't have BPD, and am happy and stable. that's the ideal combo

you should seek to treat your BPD and increase your happiness and stability right now, rather than waiting til you're old and decrepit. (I'm not ageist; aging is just objectively bad, until longevity researchers make enough breakthroughs to greatly slow or stop biological aging)