Do you think Java is the best programming language?

Do you think Java is the best programming language?

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no, that would be Holy C

Why not?

C# or C++

minecraft mods logo

C++ is garbage.

>big soph is a programmer hon
of fucking course

well thats just like your opinion bro
i like all the C languages

Nah i’m changing my major soon. i fucking hate computer science

there are two types of programming languages
the ones that people complain about, and the ones people don’t use

Yeah because it's easy and I hate programming.

Good. I don't wanna be in the same field as your ugly ass.

Kotlin is same as java but less verbose.



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it has null so it should be avoided like the plague

no but seriously java is p good but i greatly prefer other languages

Yes, I don't have empathy for sociopath bullies.

no lisp is the most powerful programming language

Best != most powerful

Depending on the situation the best language is (usually) C, C++, or Python

all coding is too hard, all i can do is make DOSbox games work