How do I stop being attracted to cis women? I'm also attracted to men and trans women...

How do I stop being attracted to cis women? I'm also attracted to men and trans women, so I'm good in terms of being able to date/have sex elsewhere. But I feel so guilty and feel a twist in my stomach whenever I see a pretty cis girl and find her attractive.
How do I stop finding them attractive?

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>How do I stop finding them attractive?
Spend some time with one.

also forgot to mention im mtf obviously


I mostly dated cis women pre hrt and they would break up with me cause I was a repressor, and now they just treat me like a gay best friend or try to use me to virtue signal. The attraction to any cis women I see is almost entirely physical

idfk op it twists me up inside too

Why would you want to stop?
Women are objectively more beautiful than men.

because if i find cis women attractive, then that opens a whole can of worms of me being a predator, rapehon, straight man transitioning to get with lesbians, etc. i shouldnt find them attractive and its wrong for me to find them attractive.

I'm unironically scared of being jailed for looking at them

I don't think there's much you can do about physical attraction. Just avoid them.

you're not a rapehon unless you demand that cis lesbians be attracted to you and have sex.

I'm never going to have sex with one or expect them to be attracted to me ever, but the guilt still eats at me for finding them attractive

You've got too many brainworms.
Even ads directed at women have sexy women in them, because even cis straight women love seeing women's bodies.
And there are women aytracted to women.
There's nothing wong with being attracted to women.
Being creepy, a predator depends on how you approach people and relate to them, not on your attraction.
Go out and touch grass please.
Or go to therapy. You seem to have some huge issues to work through.
And try to join some activity that makes you interact with people. Being alone all the time isn't healthy.

If it were that easy, straight people wouldn't spend so much time hissing and moaning about how much they can't stand the other sex. Ugly people wouldn't be sad and incels wouldn't exist. You're stuck with it.

kek fpbp

You have no idea what it's like to be raised as a rapist in training. OPs fears of being jailed for looking at a woman are not just tranny brainworms, it's something beaten into most AMABs since the 90's.

that user wasn't me, i was the other one below them
t. OP

t. that user

or i was the one above them rather oops here

I hope you find a qt cis gf user

it's SHE/HER