I was reading articles about the slogan "the future is female" because it is such an aggressive slogan that implies the...

I was reading articles about the slogan "the future is female" because it is such an aggressive slogan that implies the future is not male and I came across this. Do these people think contradictory realities exist simultaneously because people have differences of opinion? Why do they never back up their beliefs?

"Bunch agrees; citing a young boy he worked with recently who felt that being a white male is a bad thing in today’s world. He says from the boy’s perspective that was true. Often we absorb the message that if someone else is getting ahead, that leaves us behind. It can leave you feeling defensive, or like you’re losing ground because someone else is gaining. But that’s not at all the case, Bunch says. Instead, focus on how much we all have to gain by lifting everyone up."

It doesn't refute the idea that white men are at a disadvantage but just takes it for granted. White males are discriminated against and doing worse than ever because other people are being put in front of us and these authority figures are just telling them they're not. They're really fucking them over. I just don't get why anyone takes these kinds of ideas seriously though.

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because they hate men I guess. Because abstract almost meaningless identities have become the playthings of retards playing meaningless abstract little games about colors while the world burns

Also it apparently began as a lesbian separatist slogan and now normies are saying it like it means "women not bad".

if the future is female then we are doomed, since women got rights they archived nothing significant everyone just started to whore out

Yeah. In the article, they also reference the (more?) feminine world they're trying to bring about as a place where emotional intelligence is valued, but they would never acknowledge the implication that men have greater "non-emotional" intelligence. They want to acknowledge positive aspects of female nature while seemingly denying that there are bad things about women or even that there is femininity - since their version of femininity and masculinity (until they need to find a man to fuck them) consist mostly of inclusion of the "opposite".

>Bunch agrees; citing a young boy he worked with recently who felt that being a white male is a bad thing in today’s world. He says from the boy’s perspective that was true. Often we absorb the message that if someone else is getting ahead, that leaves us behind. It can leave you feeling defensive, or like you’re losing ground because someone else is gaining. But that’s not at all the case, Bunch says. Instead, focus on how much we all have to gain by lifting everyone up.
Slimily disingenuous.
The messages the boy is absorbing about white males being bad are not simply his reaction to others getting ahead and then feeling defensive.
How deeply must one have their head buried in the sand to miss all the rancorous shit targeting whites and males?
If you want to have a conversation about why that is and say it's an understandable reaction then that's one thing. But don't pretend that a little white boy responding to that shit is just some childish response to "girls/blacks/etc. are getting treated better". It's a natural and inevitable response to seething hatred that lumps him into the 'villain' group.

>emotional intelligence is valued
Ironic, since gaslighting children in order to avoid difficult conversations and calling this validation seems emotionally very obtuse.

Who is lumping him into the "villain" group?

have you considered that a kid in theory can feel some sense of discomfort with the historical supremacy of white men without experiencing total ego destruction? A little bit of reflection on the dominant culture one is part of isn't necessarily thw worst thing in the world.

The only reason white people don't like being supreme is that we're being brainwashed to think it is bad for ourselves to have power even in our own lands. Even the idea that our countries belong to us is forbidden. We are made to sit and not complain as the entire world takes over nearly every white country and we face disadvantage and suffering because of it.

White supremacy is real and is how the United States operates in the present day

>Do these people think contradictory realities exist simultaneously because people have differences of opinion?
it's not because there are differences of opinion. in other words, it's not that just because you believe something it is true.
but frameworks of understanding the world cannot ever truly describe reality as it truly is. so some people believe that different models complement each other, rather than it being a gladitorial fight to the death.

If white supremacy is real, why are only white people and men legally discriminated against in the United States and the country being flooded with nonwhites. If the United States was white supremacist, that would be a good thing, because it would be acting as a nation and consistently with what it was founded for, which was as a nation for white people. The United States is anti-white though. There are even nonwhites on the supreme court.

>White males are discriminated against and doing worse than ever

they are wrong. the future is non binary

>invade another group's land and kill 99% of them to make your country

>Ironic, since gaslighting children in order to avoid difficult conversations and calling this validation seems emotionally very obtuse.
Extremely high emotional intelligence and empathy are actually how psychopaths manipulate their victims. People mistake understanding others emotions as something that automatically makes you care about them when it just as often makes the person absorbing them viscerally angry at the negativity they assume the other person is "sick" with. Explosive disgust in the more controlled form of gaslighting and manipulation to acceptance of obvious emotional abuse is actually a display of high emotional intelligence.

>why are only white people and men legally discriminated against in the United States
You can't be serious.

yeah, that's exactly it. That's the rhetoric. People you don't know did bad things hundreds of years ago so be subservient today. Play by rules others invent and change, never seek advancement, never speak to authority, never think for yourself.

The future is both male and female and also enby

Simple as. Not even trolling or trying to make fun of anything.

>If white supremacy is real, why are only white people and men legally discriminated against in the United States and the country being flooded with nonwhites. If the United States was white supremacist, that would be a good thing, because it would be acting as a nation and consistently with what it was founded for, which was as a nation for white people. The United States is anti-white though. There are even nonwhites on the supreme court.
Any Forumstards are the funniest thing in the world

you brought up the founding of the country, I'm simply pointing out that the foundation of the US was exactly the shit you're complaining about but amplified tenfold

"The future is female" isn't a hate slogan or a slogan at all so much as it is an acknowledgement of truth. Look at the traits which are most necessary in modern society: teamwork, verbal intelligence and writing, being people-oriented, being agreeable, attractive and well groomed, not being even a little violent, etc. Whereas 300 years ago being a strong as hell violent moid who is his own man was a pretty viable strategy. Additionally, there is a way to opt out of maleness now. Sex hormones literally change the way your whole genome is expressed, how do you think you get two completely different sexes out of the same genetic material (non-PAR region of the Y chromosome is just some testicular function genes)?

Combine the two, and eventually anyone with sense will just stop being male. Why would you be? What advantage does it confer? Obviously there are those with dysphoria, but there are also those who just recognize that there is no value in being male and switch, and maybe dysphoria is intertwined with that too. I don't think males will exist in 100 years desu.

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