How dumb do you have to be to agree with Rowling

That essay she wrote about how her ex-boyfriend was abusive is the reason she's pissed about trannies was the most widely distributed non sequitur I've seen. And the weird thing is normies thought it was profound. BBC even nominated for an award.

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She does a fairly good job disguising her transphobia for people not accustomed to cyrptotransphobia
Constantly mentioning her (feigned) empathy for trans people and that she cares about the good ones and just wants trans people to stop making harmful arguments (that she imagines theyre making).
If you were cis you'd fall for it too

>her ex-boyfriend was abusive is the reason she's pissed about trannies
I thought she said she was assaulted in a bathroom and that's why she was pissed?

>And the weird thing is normies thought it was profound
Normies don't like trannies. What part of this do you guys still not understand? If you gave the average normie a list of TERF talking points without telling them what a TERF actually was, they would agree with most or all of them.

The reason JK Rowling and Dave Chappelle haven't been and never will be canceled completely is because most regular people honestly don't believe they've said or done anything wrong.

Someone post her “I wanted to be a boy” part of her essay. It’s always good for a laugh.

honestly I absolutely hate people who use past abuse as a shield against critics. muh abuse, muh trauma, muh trigger warnings. I've been beaten up badly and regularly too, that doesn't mean I can say dumb shit without criticism. fuck twitter

Isn't this what women do? "I have had a few bad encounters with men in the past so I will spend the rest of my life acting like a paranoid skittish deer"

>And the weird thing is normies thought it was profound. BBC even nominated for an award.
it's the BBC.

Chappelle is a chaser right? He's kinda different.

Trannies are around normies all the time. How do you think they 'fail to notice'? You need powerful self-delusion skills in that job.

Considering the flawless Bri'ish cishons genes the assault was probably someone telling her that the men's room is next door.

How dumb do you have to be to disagree with Rowling that the current paradigm of transsexuality is dishonest?

I still don't actually fathom how transsexuals can be so bloody arrogant, and biologically ignorant, myself. You're treated how you want to treated (as a man / woman), and yet that's still not enough for some reason (entering women's sports as a transwoman).

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Rowling believes in ROGD.

it's slimy, these people put their trauma at the front of their argument, so if people disagree with them they can claim they're invalidating their experiences

angloid detected

>I got beat up by blacks growing up, so that's why I'm a racist
RACIST! NAZI!! Get over your prejudice and stop judging by the actions of a few!! If anything THEY were retaliating against your colonialist spirit!

>I got abused by women growing up, so that's why I'm a misogynist
SEXIST FREAK!!! Women can't even abuse men you pathetic incel! Why didn't you man up and stand up for yourself? LOL

>I got harassed by men growing up, so that's why I hate men

>I got harassed by men growing up, so that's why I hate trannies

damn that's that society shit

I'm cis and I didn't fall for it because of crontrapoints. I'm sure there are many people in the same situation. You people should be thankful she exists.

See the problem is that Rowling is still acting rationally it's the other former two examples which need changing.

Chappelle's "Do I have to play along?" bit is right up there with Chris Rock's "Black People Vs. Niggaz" bit in terms of long-lasting societal influence. There will always, always be a quiet group of people with those jokes on their mind.

yeah and lots of people also believe black people aren't real people and also think "Do I have to play along", it doesn't make them right

we do live in one
really makes you think, huh?

Reminder that if you're LGBT supporting black people is working directly against your self interests, even if you yourself are also black.

I actually am thankful that hontra exists since she seems to be a normie magnet
idk how she does it since I think she's vapid but cisoids seem to love her so she's based I guess

why do amerilards talk about their comedy as if it's socially significant?

Normies love vapidness

Yes that’s how it works. Especially if their dad was abusive and they end up attracting abusive men. The fear stays with them