/gaygen/ - we out here edition


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You're all assholes

Blondy is the bottom. She has bottom eyes.




if you're fucking ftm for their vagina then you don't consider them men so idk you kinda need to reconsider your sexuality

poopy butt

user, i-
>looks at photo
>blondy DOES look like a woman
never mind spbp

this is how the ideal top looks like

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She looks like skunk if skunk were an LA bottom instead of a Bonglish gutterpunk

how do you both not know who blondy is

skellies are gross

My bottom detector is finely tuned to detect cocksleeves.

Jealously is not very attractive.

I just found out my Latin professor from India is gay and in a relationship with a white guy

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I considered that a compliment to skunk not an insult to her

You're just recognizing the difference in canthal tilt without knowing it.

Thoughts on the Will Smith slap?

Say something nice about this throuple

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>gaygen pointing to the one with two cocks in his ass
>"thats the bottom right there"

bunch of sherlock holmes we have here

the entire face and the expression and the pose and the posture and the clothes and his jewelry all scream bottom not just eyes

Hi gaygen how many days a week do you workout? If you don't workout why are you not maximising ur butt gains?

men have vaginas bro stfu

I exercise 5 days a week and swim on weekends, not a fitness bunny just have to for my health

he's more fem than your tranny ass will ever be, that's for sure

give me bear bf or give me death

That's brothers, you sick pedo fuck coomer.

Some dude told me unprompted he’s not into fisting like I went to his place and after we had sex he said he wanted to see me again but said that he’s not into fisting because “stuff gets too loose down there”

thats just how all gay couples look

why is gaygen so unaware of popular gay celebrities? are you all really this shut in

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who are they


why are bi dudes so fat and unkept in comparison to gay men?