How do older trans girls get over missing out on childhood and being a teenage girl...

How do older trans girls get over missing out on childhood and being a teenage girl? There is so much missed living as the wrong gender. I feel so lost because of it, it all makes sense as to why I was never comfortable and why I never fit in.

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I dont pass so i’m not living adulthood as my true gender, so i’d be glad if i just passed

>How do older trans girls get over missing out on childhood and being a teenage girl?
you dont other than trying to make it better for the next generation so at least maybe they'll someday be able to experience it

by writing fan fiction of the idealized version of myself as a cis girl high schooler

none of these youngshits can ever be prom king, so ill always have that over them

Chaining the thought up in the back of your mind and bawling when it escapes until you can lock it away again

Unless the girl managed to be stealth, there's no way she had a normal female childhood. Kids are vicious, and imagine her in a group of girls, who finds out she's trans? Literally bullied to death, or seen as a freakshow

i got sent to the hospital for cryin abt this at work last year kek
i wish i knew how to get over it it hurts sm
the only friends i really had in high school were girls and now that i'm done with high school trying to hang out with them feels so forced and alienating, especially when it's two or three of them and just one of me. i feel like i should be shot for interacting with them at all

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If u hav friends, you can still do that stuff. U know paint each others nails, sleepovers, do each others makeup. Go to mall together and pick out clothes, girls night out.

Oh this one’s weird. You ever wonder why trans people act like spoiled teenagers? Well that’s how we do it, we play catch up on all the psychosexual bullshit of acting like a stupid teenager as the correct gender until we learn how to be an adult as that gender again.

I am 30 and my friends are about the same age. It would be weird for me to ask desu

Time spent ruminating on the past is time I could instead be spending having fun right now.

Let it go and live life.

being a teenage girl sucks so I don't regret anything

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Why do you think ABDL is so popular in the trans community?

By not evaluating your life based on sunken costs and going outside at night and staring at the moon. Start being excited over the life you get to live now instead of mourning the life you missed out on.

how does anyone get over missing out on childhood because they had to drop out and work or they were abused or they were fat and unpopular and didn't have friends? you remind yourself that time only moves forward and those years are gone for everyone now. you weren't one of the lucky ones who had a good time in the past, but you can try to have a good time in the future, and as an adult, you have a lot more freedom than kids did back then during childhood too: if your mom sucked and didn't let you have friends over or your shitty trailer was too embarrassing to invite people to, that was it for you, but you control your fate now. I think it also helps to romanticize your current life. maybe as a kid, stopping by the convenience store on the way to school would have been a fun memory, but you can treat yourself instead to a coffee from a cafe near you and appreciate that for what it is. etc.

By wearing diapies

autopedophilia type beat

You will never EVER get over this. Just remember that the person you are today has a complicated history which resulted in who you have become. You could have been born cis and had a happy childhood. But that person might as well be someone else entirely. She would not resemble your personality or beliefs in the slightest.

Try not to think about what you missed out on. It will only hurt. Just try to live your life in such a way that you develop even more regrets with the time you have still ahead of you.

* Just try to live your life in such a way that you DON'T develop even more regrets with the time you have still ahead of you.

being upset that you lost 2 decades of your life to an identity that wasn't yours isn't autopedo you schizo

I would have been an absolute loser anyway.

Yeah it's hilarious when it's like.. 20 years olds going "WAAAH I LOST MY ENTIRE YOUTH"

You could have been cis with a terrible childhood you miss out on. My cis gf was abused very badly her whole life and forced to drop out of school before high school even because she was raped. You at least got to have a botched male childhood. I'm glad I got to have a childhood even if I grew up with dysphoria rather than living in some wartorn country where I wouldn't even have the time to think of being trans.

>forced to drop out of high school because of rape
Nice story!

By missing out on adulthood as well. Work, eat, sleep, repeat