Amazon for ffs??

Everyone knows about sbux cux but I'm curious if anyone has experience getting ffs through amazon? I know all the shit about amazon being terrible to work for but I saw recently in one of their ads that you get insurance on day 1 and I'm not trying to get a career anyway. I just want to speedrun my ffs cause tired of being a hon
So...anyone have experience with them?
(picrel I need ffs bad bros)

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tttt pls

Try it and report back user, It'll be fun.

Noooo I have no idea what I'm doing what if I spend a bunch of time working for emperor palpatine and it turns out i can't even get the ffs or something

I googled it and reddit says that they cover all trans related procedures
Do it user

just quit as soon as it's done and paid for

I'm just getting it though medicaid lmao

I forget about that stuff too...I have an ok plan through obamacare and I don't think it covers ffs but I should probably check

ty user

my state passed a law that requires insurance to cover ffs and not write it off as """cosmetic""" so idk

Amazon isn't so bad. I pack boxes for $20 an hour and get full medical and dental. Its easy work. Some people literally get hired, use their vacation days and get dental work and quit.

A basic job literally has no interview as well and on day one you are trained with a group. 99% of the time you are left alone without anyone bothering you.

doing it rn only 2k for DB with everything
shout out aetna

I live in a conservative state so I doubt it

I make $30-$40 at my current job so it would be tough change but worth it in the long term!

>99% of the time you are left alone without anyone bothering you.
This is the biggest draw for me, all my friends at sbux fucking hate serving karens all day it sounds miserable

What's his wait time like? Was it a tough process getting everything approved?

Tysm everyone for the replies!!
I'm also curious if anyone knows if you have to work full time for benefits or if they're available part-time say, 30 hours a week?

Also forgot to ask is it just the basic amazon aetna program? It seems like there are multiple programs from each company that amazon offers

>I'm also curious if anyone knows if you have to work full time for benefits or if they're available part-time say, 30 hours a week?
Wouldn't you want full time since they may cut your hours?

I was going to work at Amazon but they pulled the offer after they found out I had a background. sigh

Attached: IMG_6732.jpg (600x315, 41.03K)

I haven't worked full-time in a decade
I can't go back
I won't go back
t. service industry cuck with 4 days off a week

I work at the Amazon Fresh (the grocery store offshoot) warehouse and I don't think it's terrible at all to work for, although idk how different it is to normal Amazon and if the bad reputation applies to Fresh.
It's pretty braindead and like another user said once you're told what job to do for the day you're pretty much left alone for the entire shift.

I also work only part time flex which basically means I get to pick what shifts I want to work (they pop up to pick from in 4 hour increments on an app), so if I want to work fulltime hours one week I can and if I'm super depressed and lazy another I can just work the minimum required 1 shift. As a whole pretty much the ideal job for an antisocial borderline neet person like me who has had a hard time holding a job my whole life due to constant depression episodes and mood shifts.

Thanks for the info user
My friend was telling me a little about the flex thing recently and that sounds awesome desu
Do you know if there's a weekly/monthly hour requirement to qualify for insurance or is it just that same requirement of work at least once a week? Sounds cushy asf

>after they found out I had a background. sigh
what background?

What kind of service industry? I don't think many pay that much.

I agree it sounds comfy but I thought you needed to be full time.

what the fuck?
this is a joke right do americans really?
just go to europe where the real surgeons are dont get mutilated by some american hack

Europe has shitty ffs surgeons lol
Best surgeons are keo and DB

what about facial meme?