Whats the worst outcome for a repressor?

Whats the worst outcome for a repressor?

A repressor nearing his 30s to be precise

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John, age 50


Take your pills, Alice

continuing to rep for 50+ years before the sweet release

Literally this. A long life of miserable repression sounds even worse than being a hon or killing yourself. At least if you're dead you won't have to suffer anymore. It may be bleak to think that trooning out at an age where estrogen won't even be very effective anymore is your best case scenario, but it's all you really can do to mitigate harm.

Or you'll end up an uncanny freak that no one respects. Do you really want everyone's fake acceptance out of pity?

John, age 50 is unironically a fate worse than death

>Whats the worst outcome for a repressor?
>A repressor nearing his 30s to be precise
realistically you won't kill yourself and you'll regret and realize you should've made a different decision at age 45, at which point you'll be a hon and also have missed on decades of your life

if you know "john age 50" you're too far in

Fake acceptance is a path to a real life. Repression is a path to hon-dom.

is this a meme? who is john?

>John, a 50 year-old genetic male, medical research scientist, married (23 years), father of three children aged 20, 17 and 7, phoned me after experiencing a panic attack severe enough to require emergency attention from paramedics at the airport on his way to give a presentation at a conference. John gave me only his first name and informed me that I was the first to be told what he was about to tell me. He said he was "gender dysphoric" and that he was "desperate." Feelings that were once "controllable through sheer force of will," had increased to where he now was having protracted periods where he would close his office door, lie on the floor and weep quietly while curled up in the fetal position, holding his genitals in pain. Other than intrusive and repeated fantasies of being female, he had refused to allow himself any overt form of female gender expression. He reported feeling that if he was to cross-dress and be caught, he would dishonor his wife and family. Having attained international recognition for his work, he was also concerned about his professional reputation.

I will never turn into John, 50 because I'm repulsed by my sexuality so I don't masturbate and I don't want to have children
Read this avitale.com/developmentalreview.htm

Look up "John, age 50" - he's an example G3


This paper is so fucking sad

>I'm repulsed by my sexuality so I don't masturbate
ok but like. John is still possibly in your future if you don't transition.

It's like it's designed to make repressors insane by pushing every button.

So glad that was not my life.

>For cloistered gender dysphoric boys it was in the area of peers and activities, especially sports, that the problem was most noticeable. Unable or uninterested in competing in organized boys' activities and having been shuffled decidedly away from playing with the girls, many became reclusive. To add to their confusion, and counter to behavior typically reported in openly gender dysphoric boys, many cloistered boys actually preferred solo play with boys' toys and had little or no interest in girls' toys.
This line literally made me troon out lol, it was so representative of my experience its unreal

I feel so sorry for her. we must stop this from ever happening again

You pinkpillers are all the same and keep using the same examples. I regretfully took the pinkpill against my better judgement, thinking it's acceptable now, it'll be fine ...it wasn't fine. All I learned is how people truly perceive trannies.
Even if you mostly pass, all it takes is one mistake and the illusion is broken forever. People don't respect you. You will only be tolerated out of fear. There is no blending in. Most people will loathe your presence. It's tiresome seeing that look in people's eyes that you make them uncomfortable before you open your mouth or even look in their direction.
Being treated like a leper for simply existing gets to you fast. Having all eyes on you, everywhere you go, knowing they're judging you and wishing you'd just disappear is one of the worst feelings. You can feel their ill will towards you and you know they'd push you into traffic if they knew they could get away with it. You don't even have to be a gigahon, simply being visibly trans is enough.
Again, tell me, is it worth all of that?

Yes exactly. OP stop repressing and get on HRT.

Planned parenthood if you're in the US.

>Even if you mostly pass, all it takes is one mistake and the illusion is broken forever.
Yeah fair, passing is quite imperative.

> Being treated like a leper for simply existing gets to you fast.

Agree but also I would actually prefer that to being male. (HSTS here)

>not DIYing
Fucking cringe
t.repressor who's not planning to transition, ever

>John is still possibly in your future if you don't transition
how to minimized it, obviously without trooning out? my AGP/dysphoria isnt that bad in my case, and I kinda believe I can manage it for life, but still ending up as John, 50 is the one currently fucking me up the most

Transitioning at 26-27 after seeing signs of male ageing and realizing how much time you wasted and how badly you neglected taking care of yourself after the dissociation lifts upon starting HRT.

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god that sounds like me too. after first grade, my girl friends didn't want to hang out with me anymore because I was a boy. I just played with myself for like 2 years. it was so lonely

>I kinda believe I can manage it for life
that's what John thought.

:O damn

>Feelings that were once "controllable through sheer force of will," had increased to where he now was having protracted periods where he would close his office door, lie on the floor and weep quietly while curled up in the fetal position, holding his genitals in pain.

you can't

>Successful, internationally recognized
>Married and has kids

Somehow this is worse than becoming a gigahon pariah at 30, just because John cries sometimes?