TERFs are a lot more common than you think

TERFs are a lot more common than you think.

They encompass the entirety of conservative women.

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Not true. Pro life women have been surprisingly accepting of me being a troon because they support bodily autonomy and the sacred freedom to choose what you'll do with the life you're given.

that's kinda a cute perspective ngl. like im still pro-choice for feminism and all that but that's a nice way to be pro life

>they encompass the entirety of women with functional survival instinct

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not really, most conservative women ive seen are all "muh biblical gender roles" and whatnot

theyre not feminists and they dont hate men enough to be terfs, every terf is a transphobe not ever transphobe is a terf

nice but
>support bodily autonomy

True, conservative christian moms can be sweet and supportive, if they haven’t been brainwormed by culture wars yet. Unfortunately I’m not sure, if they’d be as nice if their own child would come out as trans tho

my mom accepted me, but shes not that conservative anymore fortunately

They wouldn't be. Tons of parents are fine with other gays or trannies but lose their shit if their child turns out that way.

>radical feminist
Are /tttt/s illiterate or something?

>>support bodily autonomy
Killing someone is the ultimate act of removing their autonomy. Killing someone as innocent as an unborn child is an indefensible removal of that autonomy.

They can't even agree what a TERF is, of course not. It's why TERFs are mean man-hating separatist lesbians, yet they're also conservative tradwives who think women should just pop out babies, but they're also white supremacists who apply rigid standards of femininity to women, and they're also white-hating SJWs who hate women who aren't butch, and that they're just a fringe group of laughable crazies yet simultaneously hold complete power and control over innocent transwomens lives.

It's usually liberal parents that have the NIMBY attitude. Conservatives can swing either way, but if they accept you, they fucking accept you and actually want what's best for their kid and aren't just waiting for your "sexual deviancy" phase to blow over.

'Unborn children' up until the later trimesters are not conscious. They do not have a functioning brain. They do not dream. They do not 'feel sad' about being aborted. There is a major chance that their mothers body will spontaneously terminate them itself, often without her even knowing she was pregnant in the first place - the 'unborn child' is not upset about this and fails to notice it happening.

Dropping an egg isn't the same as crushing a newly-hatched chick. Why is it that anti-choicers can muster so much compassion for something that isn't yet a person, yet have nothing but hatred, vitriol, disgust and aggression for the terrified, suffering woman who is unwillingly carrying it?

Kids deseve to die for what they did. Cope, cuckservarive.

should have kept her legs closed then lol

>terrified, suffering woman who is unwillingly carrying it?
Take your shots, ayden. Real women don't feel this way about their body and its natural functions.

Mudering someone unable to have dreams counts as murder, sweetie.

the F in 'TERF' stands for Feminist, I feel like a lot of conservative women probably aren't feminists


...'Real women' are by far the largest demographic for getting abortions, dude. Do you think that they just think 'Hmm I was sleeping around but I changed my mind so I'll bounce on a coathanger at eight months LOL'?

Being pregnant and not wanting to be is a horrible experience. One of my friends had a pregnancy scare (Thankfully a false alarm) and was terrified.

Knowing that women deserve priority over a fetus in terms of bodily autonomy doesn't make someone a transman, and it doesn't even mean they think that pregnancy in itself is bad.

Unfortunately that corresponds to my experience as well. My mom is more liberal, while my dad is conservative and the beginning went as you would expect with my mom being supportive and my dad outright rejecting it as brainworms. When they noticed over time that I’m actually serious with it, their attitudes changed and now my dad is legitimately treating me like a young woman (unfortunately including the more strict ideas that conservative men have about women), while my mom seems to count down the days until I detroon.

Something isn't hot and cold at the same time.

A fetus isn't a 'someone', it's a something. You don't have any rational argument - yours is entirely emotions-based.

Again - in nature, about 50% of human pregnancies (Counted upon when the sperm implants in the egg) fail, usually in the early stages. Why is it such a horrible thing for a woman to initiate a termination for an unwanted pregnancy? Why do you hate women so much?

idk I'd say there are probably some conservative women who are feminists in that they support social equality for women, but are also anti-gay, anti-trans, etc.