Group of trannies in my debate discord

>group of trannies in my debate discord
>claim to all be "ex-fascist"
>ask the name of the philosophical father of Fascism
>they say Hitler....
Why are they like this? is it just a fashion statement? I really don't understand the benefit of lying about something like this

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people lie over weird shit. anyways stan savitri devi transracial queen

who the fuck cares about meme ideologies held only by the terminally online

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>is it just a fashion statement?

>savitri devi
May she burn in hell; if only it were to exist. Truly a sick, evil woman. She and her ilk deserve death.

>Why are they like this?
They're naive and so they think that this will make them attractive to straight men.

terminally online zoomer "fascism" was literally just saying nigger and photoshopping a maga hat onto anime girls in 2016, probably what they're all talking about and what all online tranny circles are imploding over
>they think that this will make them attractive to straight men
"oh boy i sure hope my ugly male with conetits also comes with a guarantee to jump back and forth between extreme ideologies on a whim"

>debate discord

You dont have to be an intellectual to support a political movement. most normies are liberals or conservatives, good luck finding one who has read a single book on these subjects

they're too autistic to understand that you attract masculine guys by being their complimentary opposite instead of a cheap imitation of them

>most normies are liberals or conservatives
Yes but those are modern day living ideologies. These people are digging up ideologies of the past and claiming they followed them. Do you not see how that is different? I would think most would take issue with a communist who has never read Marx.

>is it just a fashion statement
Yes but it is not unique to them. A lot of people I know are "educated" (a few have master's degrees) but they are some of the most ignorant and average-or-less IQ people I've met. These are all people 25-34 years old. They cherry pick podcasts based on how much they validate their worldview and consider skimming headlines from a single news source (usually NPR) as being caught up with the world.

There was this really coombrained AGP I knew who was saying she's a Marxist-Leninist now but "used to be a Nazi" when she was a teenage boy. I asked her what she meant by that and apparently she just meant being a fan of Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder, just real entry-level center-right cuckservative shit.

many such cases

Most of them were 16-18 in their "nazi phase". You seriously expect them to know?

>ask the name of the philosophical father of Fascism



>debate discord

no femboy is truly a follower of the ndsapies, they're just racist because white femboys are cuter than anyone else and they feel entitled

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plato actually. og femboy chaser fascist

>>debate discord
I'm a polisci student and I'm on the debate team. What is the issue?

Just tell the enemy team they are coping and should read theory whenever they make a good point, easy win

i want to be enslaved by big nazi aryans and kept as their tranny faggot sex slave maid

i want to enslave by big nazi aryan boy and keep as my tranny faggot sex slave maid

>is it just a fashion statement