/repgen/ Repressor General

I am a free man edition

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lol nice cope. You can never be truly “free” if you’re not free to transition. There are men, and then there are repressors, the sad sacks of shit who know they were never meant to be men, but refuse to take the necessary steps to fix their lives before they spiral out of control. If you unironically identify as a “repressor”, it’s already over for you. You will never truly feel fulfilled in life forcing yourself to unnaturally live as a man with testosterone continuing to destroy your body. The pinkpill will give you life.

Nice gaslighting there, bud.

If I rewrote the whole thing with repressors as trannies and men as women, it would be a million times more true but I would get banned.

t. didn't understand The Prisoner

are you crazy?

nigger. the jannies on this board are butthurt as hell. if mentioned it another thread before but even just implying that YWNBAW or that TWANW will get you banned. its the /tttt/ version of Any Forums jannies getting pissy over people saying nigger despite every other board's janitors having no problem with it.

You are number 6

This honestly. It hasn't worked for me and I did some really serious mental gymnastics to try to repress. Didn't really end up working, now my brain is breaking and I'll probably transition soon. At least I spent most of the last decade addicted to opioids so testosterone hasn't poisoned my body much more.

i've written far worse things (including some i deeply regret) and never got a ban
also we might never become women but we can sure decide not to be men :)

what are the worse things that you didn't regret

Just relax.
Sometimes life gives you the happiest accidents.

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Cis women, even "weird/quirky/woke/not like the other girls" types can tell when you're a FtM repressor. You can present yourself as feminine as you want and you can fully repress but still they don't see you as one of their own. From birth, they can tell something isn't right and it triggers some instinct in them to see you as something Other.
Of course it isn't like men would see you as being one of them either if you had ever truly pooned out.

I think that's just a result being a weirdo, ngl. All repressors are, of course, but I don't think people can intuit dysphoria like that.

i wish i could identify as a repper and i'm trying my best to achieve so

lol nice cope. You can never be truly “free” if you’re not free to accept your body. There are women, and then there are trannies, the sad sacks of shit who know they were never meant to be women, but refuse to take the necessary steps to fix their lives before they spiral out of control. If you unironically identify as “transgender”, it’s already over for you. You will never truly feel fulfilled in life forcing yourself to unnaturally live as a woman with estrogen continuing to destroy your body. The reppill will give you life.

take your pills idiots, it doesn't go away

see how it makes a lot more sense than this?

Yea they'll just think you're gay not a tranny

Yeah twenty seven years of repressing and I still feel terrible. I've done tons of fun stuff, got a good job, hung out with friends, slept with multiple girls. Doesn't go away, it only gets worse, I'm miserable and losing my mind slowly. I think I'm going to go take some pills and grow tits and look pretty now.
This, it doesn't go away, and it gets worse. You might feel better for a little bit, then it comes back worse than it was. I've been using way too many drugs to cope and I started considering major self harm or suicide over it, so it's kind of a wake-up call that it's time. I think I'll be a lot happier.
It doesn't make more sense, I'm speaking from a lot of experience. We have a shitty condition and there's really only one thing that will help. I wish it wasn't like this but it is. I don't want to have to be a tranny but it's the closest I can get to what I really want and I think I'd be happier than I am now, especially when the alternative is starting to look like insanity or suicide. If you're having tranny thoughts they aren't going to go away. You can enjoy living a miserable shitty life full of mental torment and maybe transition when you're fifty though. Me personally, I'm done with it. I'm fucking sick of living this way. I don't even care if it costs me my job and my relationship, I'm suffering and I can't keep going this way.

how old are you

I'm twenty seven now. I'm losing it, I've been so absolutely fucked in the head for the last four or so months straight. I've thought about transitioning multiple other times but shook off the idea, but this time it's fucking killing me.

>I think I'm going to go take some pills and grow tits and look pretty now

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Estrogen will make you KILL YOURSELF. Do not try it if you can avoid it

t. got on E and got severely depressed

lmao the only reason I didn't kill myself is because of E

>it doesn't go away
it isnt so bad, at least for me anyway :/

how old are you? I made it till 30, lotta respect and sympathy for anyone who beat my high score but it's ultimately just not worth it to repress