Why can't tranners dress up properly?

Why can't tranners dress up properly?

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why should they? They look cute the way they are

Autism for the majority of them

hey that's my friend you asshole. you wish you dressed 1/10 as good as them. fuck you

looking retarded is fun and comfy
this outfit is kinda cute tho desu

I dig this look. Love her hair and don't mind that frumpy overshirt-thing. I guess not all transgirls get makeover from their peers / cis-girls.

Why is she taking this photo with the lightswitch that she took out of the wall

She looks so incredibly autistic lmaooo


Most tranners dress as well as the average autistic guy.

There's nothing cute about this pic

Tell her that she should correct her posture, it’s rly bad. Good posture isn’t just important for appearance but also for health in the long term.

Picrel isn’t that bad of a outfit. The glasses are not good, there’s nothing wrong with the rest tho, it’s just standard quiet girl clothes

Autism and no female friends to correct them

Also why did she take a pic in the bathroom of a bus or train?

i can dress fashionable, the problem is there is no point, as im the only transgirl in a boomer hick town i dont ever really go out and im not gonna dress up for a forest walk or grocery store.

normally i just wear a low waist cut jeans, college jacket and tank top

idk how to dress beyond a pair of jeans and a t shirt

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If I saw this freak in public I would 100% knock him out cold

No you wouldn't you coward. You'd sit there fantasizing about it and seething

kek i wouldnt do that but they look like the kind of kid that would have been bullied out of my high school

And you would get knocked out as a result. Bystanders aren’t cool with unwarranted physical assault

You will never be a father.

Angie is autistic as shit lol

Didn't read but I would knock you out too

Autism, unironically.

What a good way to get curbstomped by an angry bystander

Dressing yourself fashionably is hard, especially when you hate your body and weren't socialized to dress nicely.
>t. dresses like a dyke apparently

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Shut your dumb mouth or I'll kiss you on the lips

Best Kemonofriendzone guest.

what's their name?

Doubt it.

