I fucking hate you all so much...

I fucking hate you all so much. I’m tired of the doom posting “I’ll never pass it’s over” from manmoders who are less than a year on hrt who refuse to do anything to help them pass. (Makeup, hair care, feminine clothing, voice training, fucking shaving or getting laser) you all do nothing and expect everything to happen for you like spoiled children because you’re “on hrt” fuck you.

Y’all call me a passoid but do you know how easy it would be to pass as a boy again if I wanted to? I have no sympathy for any of you anymore. Even having been one of you at least me point in my life.

I understand there are legit things that keep people from passing regardless, but most of y’all don’t have those things and literally just don’t put in effort to pass, fuck you die

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Post physique

they are the worst fucking posts on this board ngl and you can always smell the fucking doomposter whenever they're trying to project it outwards too "why transition if you can nEVER look like a woman!? just give up...": ie. just irritating cunts talking to themselves

repbros too, fuck them

>repbros too, fuck them
Why :(
I know I will never pass if I tried

Then they aren't manmoders. They are boymoders in denial. My shoulders are wider than my e-atx full tower pc case.
There is NOTHING that will help me.
I've transitioned into a JoJo character with boobs.

As a femme gay man, I do find it a bit annoying how many of the tranners put less effort into their skin, hair, and make-up regime than I do. I mean I get misgendered all the time and I'm not even trying to pass. It's not as hard as some of y'all think, but you do have to make an effort. Just like all the other women out there.

This is why I will rep forever and just cd, my frame physically is not feminine hips shoulders face arms, everything.

Women don't put any effort into anything. They are handed everything like retarded children

You are literally the person this person is talking about. Post a pic I’ll apology if you’re truly unsalvageable but be warned I’m a notorious “hugboxer”

What I look like doesn’t matter to the point of this thread and I feel like if I did post a picture y’all would say something like “sociopathic youngshit passoid with no sympathy” or something like that. That or y’all would make fun of my hands or face. The point is, what I look like doesn’t matter to my point and if you can’t guess which trip I am based on the way I type then I dunno what to tell ya…

The revenue of the U.S. cosmetic industry is estimated to amount to about 49.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. I'm not buying that much eyeliner and straight guys sure aren't buying it.

Is it the BDD that bothers you, or negativity in general? Like "even if your situation is fucked, please don't share your negative vibes with the rest of us"?

Doesn't mean they use it.

So I can be in some Any Forumstard folder for the next 30 years? No thanks

actually desu never ever share your pictures here. people will always lie about them, mostly also because of many people here aren't even trans, theyre only here deliberately to brainworm others

I mainly only post here to post secrets, memories, feelings, experiences, things I can't post anywhere else.

nta but its not really negativity that bothers me. ive posted negative threads too sometimes when I feel hopeless. and everyone needs to vent sometimes
but theres a distinct way some people do it that really ticks me off.

I’ve posted plenty of my pictures on this board. I know at least one of you cocksuckers has a folder of me being a decrepit horse faced little weirdo.

And trust me I know people lie here. All the time I’ve seen the pol threads and discord chats with transphobes with worse brainworms than a bdd trip. That or it’s a repbro or manmodder seething.

Im able to be negative and self deprecating calling myself a horsefaces ghoul. While still fully realizing that I pass.

You're bad at trolling. The goal of a good troll is to make the other person look stupid, not yourself. And this? This makes you look stupid. And inobservant.


Fucking make me bitch.

You can start being more feminine by not comparing PC formfactors to your physique

Go outside. Women are walking ghouls that are morbidly obese. They buy makeup to let it sit in their shelf until it rots to buy it again. They can't even stop eating. The only effort I ever see is drawing back on their eyebrows into Mexican Kafkaesque nightmares

It's not as big as a door but it's bigger than an office chair. There's not much else. Should I give out tv or computer monitor sizes? I doubt you have a tv that small or a monitor that big