I've realized that a lot of tranners are simply too smart for me

I will live all my life, dumb and alone. The way a man should live. Why are tranners so cutesy and then just say something completely smart and intelligent the next minute, then just smile like an anime goon?

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We read, that's why.

I think you meant to post this here

I read but im still dumb :(
T. Tranny

I can never cuddle up with a tranner because she will realize that I am a complete dumb ass. She will see me as more of a dog than human. Reading should be banned :(
I saw that thread, half those posts aren't bizzardo! false advertisting!
no you are smart you dumb bitch

>no you are smart you dumb bitch
but all the trannies i know have read for longer, read faster, and read better/more complicated things than i do :(

oh piddlesquit, that is only a sign of working memory, encoding, and perhaps processing. However, raw IQ is measured in various different ways. Albeit, dependent on those aforementioned qualities. You too can learn to read faster. I guarantee you're smarter than me for I am a man and coombrain fills half my noodle. being a tranner makes you smart by default because your balls have become fried, it opens your brain up to more thinking room

I can relate I'm taking HRT but I think I'm half smart tranner half dumb man. I still am not sure if I call myself trans. I think a lot a lot of trannies in certain groups have a floor of like 115 IQ and it can be higher. I'm pretty sure my IQ is like 108 I feel mogged all the time.

Our group IQ is like 120. I think it just takes a lot of intelligent to get at the root of your internal problems, especially when they are as socially unacceptable and vague as gender dysphoria often is. We're a self selecting group. There's probably tons of trans morons, they just suffer with dysphoria never giving it a name, never fully aware of why everything feels so wrong.

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most of the theories on this board are horseshit but I unironically agree with this take

Not the worst theory I’ve read on this board

According to mensa, I have a range of 110-120 but definitely feel mogged when compared to a lot of tranners. It least I found that raw IQ doesn't really determine your outcome that much for enjoying life. There are ways to raise it too or it least keep it from falling, certainly.
I think this user made a good pointyou were smart enough to know what was wrong with you. Although self-diagnosis in other fields is considered to be quackery. It definitely takes a high degree of disagreeableness. Also, I have to wonder if other tranners here have been subjected to being called eggs and were convinced that they were trans. It happened to me, lots of tranners told me I was an egg simply because I was attracted to trans women. Unfortunately, I believe those types of tranners fall into the 90-100 iq range

>they just suffer with dysphoria never giving it a name, never fully aware of why everything feels so wrong
I've been on this board for years without taking on any brainworms, but this one is threatening to wriggle in

real talk though i either want a man who is significantly smarter than me or significantly dumber than me

anything else just isn't fun. can't be too similar.

t. moderately smart mtf

I have a measured IQ of 103 and I'm an out tranny, I came out at age 14, I'm also autistic and what people would consider "intelligent", I want to say that it's retarded to connect this deep experience and knowledge to something like IQ. Everyone peddling that shit should 1. acknowledge the low sample size of that test in the first place, as well as its very outdated nature, and 2. realize that, as Nassim Nicholas Taleb puts it, "IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle" (medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle-f131c101ba39). What you said is very observant and correct but everyone connecting it to IQ is being stupid

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Also correct

if someone brags about their IQ just say this

> wow congratulations you got a high score on the test designed to detect retards

That doesn't really work as a comeback at all though. Framing a high IQ as "very un-retarded" is just a meaner way of saying the same thing they already thought

or you could ask them what their real world accomplishments have been with such a number. More than likely, it's inconsequential and they're an engineer that designed a more efficient meat grinder for a factory farm.

How is it a brainworm? Do you think you are an idiot whose vague sense of misery is caused by being a troon?
IQ has stuck around for a century for good reason. Some guy's medium article doesn't undo a century of published research. It's not the be-all-end-all of human quality, but general intelligence is clearly a thing, and IQ tests clearly measure it in some way.
People who brag about their IQ usually have no other notable achievements, so I'd focus on that line of attack.

fair point re: accomplishments.

I can't tell which one of those applies to me. Seems like all the trannies here who are smart, already know they're smart though.

>Some guy's
Did you really just call Nassim Nicholas Taleb "some guy" lmfao

desu i like the fact that im a bit smarter than my bf. i can help him with a bunch of things and i dont ever mind waiting up for him for anything because i love him so much. if it was the other way around i wouldnt be happy that i was troubling him and holding him back.

also he can just stick a plug in me and spank me a bit and then i get way stupider than him so... >

It's also somewhat lame. A lot of things you can do with intelligence aren't quantifiable career achievements. Intelligence makes you capable of being a better, more empathetic, and reasonable friend/family/lover, for example, but you can't exactly quote that as an achievement of some kind to prove whatever worth your IQ has to you.
Yep. Seems like some finance guy is stepping out of his lane... which explains the fact that he made a medium article, instead of publishing to some kind of relevant journal about why the scientific community is mistaken about IQ. He seems to have a firm grasp of statistics given his career, it'd be trivially easy for him if that were the case.

>How is it a brainworm?
It's vague enough that most people could apply it to themselves and plant the seed of doubt, while also dangling the possibility of a resolution for that general sense of unhappiness or "wrongness"
>Do you think you are an idiot whose vague sense of misery is caused by being a troon?
Not really, but I've seen many many atempted pinkpills and this is the first one that made me go "hmm"

>Yep. Seems like some finance guy is stepping out of his lane... which explains the fact that he made a medium article, instead of publishing to some kind of relevant journal about why the scientific community is mistaken about IQ.
The scientific community is also on NNT's side about all of this

It’s a complete meme at this point is it? You say something, the trans girl tells you to read hegel and then bonks you over the head with the phenomenology of spirit or whatever, and whenever you get around to reading it you realize whoever can parse that shit must have actual brain damage.

>Intelligence makes you capable of being a better, more empathetic, and reasonable friend/family/lover
wtf this is all I care about. I guess I live in a shithole and everyone I know is so blank, it's like you need at least 110-115 IQ to even be a full human. I feel like I'm caught in between genetically and that's being generous. At the very least I wish I could be around more intelligent people, but they might not want me around anyway.

>the trans girl tells you to read hegel
Education =/= intelligence. "Go read x" means "I didn't understand x well enough to paraphrase their points in any way relevant to this argument, but I want to give the vague impression that I know something you don't and get the last word in before I expose that I don't know what I'm talking about"

That’s… the joke yes. Good job bud you caught that one. Didn’t have to go and explain it though.