/HRTGen/ HRT General #424 - Bump Edition

Previous thread: • Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: 1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: 1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: 1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: 1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): privatemdlabs.com/, labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden) werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: letsgetchecked.com/ - DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: healthcare.uiowa.edu

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Other urls found in this thread:


inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
euaibolit.com - Ships from EU to Worldwide
aphrodites.shop - Very popular. Ships from Portugal to Worldwide.
unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
unitedpharmacies.nl (NL only) - Ships from HK.
alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
lena.kiev.ua/ev/ - Very popular for injections. Ships from Ukraine to Worldwide.
sshifter.puzl.com - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
otokonokopharma.com - Ships from Brazil to Worldwide.
otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.

hrt.cafe for more detailed product spreadsheets, price comparison and supplier information.

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Bump to ask about ordering blood tests in New Jersey again

I have small fatty man boobs, I'm not really overweight or anything, they're just kinda there. Starting hrt soon at 18 and im a little curious how that affects breast growth

does progesterone actually help with anything if T is already suppressed or does it just make you horny?

Should i use a 25g needle

is it easier to inject in the butt over the outer mid thigh muscle?

also is it 100% required I alternate my thighs? I'm left handed so its really hard to z-track my left thigh while using my right hand...

I started with 22g and eventually moved up to 23g and I do fine, it doesn't really hurt and I do it IM

I Inject with 23 as well

So I posted about getting past fears of injecting in the last thread--I went out and got some 30g instead of the 25g I was having trouble going through with, got everything prepared, told myself I can do it, even if I have to do it scared, and was shaking so badly while the needle was in but I still couldnt even feel it, and it barely bled at all after. I did it and to any other squeamish anons--you can do it too!

How much am I gimping myself by staying on oral dose? I'm on my 9th month and really wanna do injections but scared of stabbing myself :(

what is the most reliable place to buy from right now if i live in the US? i dont have much money and dont want it to get seized at customs or whatever

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there's basically no real danger if you do butt injections

But if I just keep taking oral for another year I am not ruining my transition right? I really don't wanna end up looking like a hon T_T

as long as you're doing buccal and aren't doing a baby dose like just 2mg a day you'll be fine, and obviously making sure your T is suppressed ofc

my dose is 6 mg a day, doc told me to let it dissolve under my tongue (is that buccal)?

Hopefully that's fine :(, also taking finasteride

Really scared of being hondosed and get anxiety over it, then when doc offers injections I pussy out

Does UK customs stop bulk buys of progesterone? Will they send it back or will I just have to pay a VAT charge of some sort. I bought from Lena before and I didn't have to pay anything but I'm planning on getting a way bigger package from web order pharmacy.

Tl;dr been stalled out on any changes for like 1.2 yrs; hoping for advice

Brief overview, started HRT ~1.5 yrs ago, after a few months stopped noticing any changes what-so-ever, moved and a doc said switch to thigh IM injections, moved again and have been fucking around with dosages under my endo with 0 success of causing any noticeable change. Blood levels below,

4/21 254 ng/dL
7/21 9 ng/dL
9/21 9 ng/dL
1/22 8 ng/dL

4/21 110 pg/mL (0.25ml/wk @ 40 ml/mg ~ 10mg/wk)
7/21 937 pg/mL (0.3ml/wk @ 40 ml/mg ~ 12mg/wk)
9/21 1,090 pg/mL (0.2ml/wk @ 40 ml/mg ~ 8mg/wk)
10/21 69 pg/mL (0.2ml biweekly @ 40/ml/mg ~ 8mg/2wks)
1/22 668 pg/mL (0.15ml/wk @ 40ml/mg ~ 6mg/wk)

All the results were taken after 3+ cycles at that dose so we'd see build up and at midpoints between injections except the 10/21 one, that was taken more towards the end, we were fucking around with bi-weekly injections there to stop getting ~1k pg/mL results which seemed to be doing nothing for me and my endo was worried about health risks and then stopped with that due to my concerns. We're moving to 4mg/wk to see what numbers that gets me in April.

Context on the first results, that was like 2 months after my previous endo was like, let's try mono-e which didn't really suppress T properly once we had results, so we said fuck it and resumed spiro @ 100mg/day. Currently consulting with a surgeon for an orchiectomy, but that's probably a few months off and my endo doesn't really want to switch to bica.

There was some talk about starting Progesterone, but a surgery in Feb messed with that, probably starting it after the next time I speak with my endo. Should probably note weight cycling was doing jack.

Regardless of what I get told, I'm asking my endo to see if we can test SHBG & DHT to see if they look problematic. Also kinda want to switch back to oral for a few months or try patches to see if that kickstarts anything.

Finasteride is not going to be a good anti-androgen. It won't suppress your T at all, it will only prevent DHT from being produced. 6mg estrogen a day is fine if you're dissolving it under your tongue but you will not receive adequate feminization with just finasteride.

thank you user, im probably going to switch to injections soon

All right does that mean I should take an additional one like prog? My current doctor doesn't prescribe it so I guess I'll be looking elsewhere or something