As a hetero guy, the thought of becoming a tranny makes me so horny

As a hetero guy, the thought of becoming a tranny makes me so horny

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Do it op, become the lesbian shemale of your dreams.

Congrats! you've realised you're AGP :D

What is it and what I win?

Is this satou kuuki

a misfortune, and a life sentence to shame, misery, and hard work to make life more worth living

I'm a tranny now and I masturbated to the idea of taking HRT for years, thinking of my body slowly changing for real just like in the stories I read. I thought this proved i wasn't Real Trans and was forbidden to transition, but I did it anyways after repressing and feeling like killing myself, and now I'm still alive so yeah

It wasn't just a random fetish I picked up though I was basically like this by default and had no other sexuality so there wasn't much options for me

>Threads made moments before disaster

>It wasn't just a random fetish I picked up though I was basically like this by default and had no other sexuality so there wasn't much options for me
god i wish i were truAGP
i hate being a cis het male

>It wasn't just a random fetish I picked up though I was basically like this by default and had no other sexuality so there wasn't much options for me
did you have any other fetishes in your life before/after, or was this like literally the one thing that turned you on

I was into general fetish transformation stuff too sorta (even pre-puberty) but it was still mostly gender based, or like, thinking about being the girl getting changed into some catgirl or something. the first sex fantasies I had were me imagining I was a girl, I didn't even know I was "supposed" to think about being a man at all, I didn't even think about using my dick for anything (prone masturbated). when I read my first eroticas I just self inserted as the girls since that just seemed like the natural thing to do, without even thinking about it. This was before I'd ever even seen a girl naked or ever looked at real porn (had no desire to).

I can go into more detail but yeah. I'm transitioned now and happily girlmoding. I wish I could've transitioned when I was 12 and avoided years of a miserable puberty and a decade of more misery afterwards. but "uhh its just a fetish" held me back. maybe I am just a fetish too anyways but I'll never detrans

Ok but op image is satou kuuki right

Show tummy so we can tell if you have potential!

it might not be AGP. it could be AGAMP

>I was into general fetish transformation stuff too sorta (even pre-puberty) but it was still mostly gender based, or like, thinking about being the girl getting changed into some catgirl or something
Why does this keep happening :/

s2g that kind of porn should come with a surgeon general's warning or something saying
>If you find yourself enjoying this too much, you may have gender issues

Same here

Furthest I've gone has been 4 months HRT

Thinking of sticking to it because aging seems to want to make me into a monkey. The more I stay away from HRT the more monkey-like I become.

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it wasnt the porn I mean even as a kid in cartoons I liked that stuff really obsessively


Same lol


Ok, then pretend I said TF content in general. Tack a disclaimer at the beginning of that episode of Fairly Odd Parents or whatever

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Alot of people here are gonna claim that you’re a girl inside and should troon out, but let me tell you something, you’re not. You’re a pornsick man who has developed a degenerate fetish. True transsexual women don’t want to be trannies, they want to be cis. If you don’t want to be cis than you are mentally ill.

you can never become cis so being trans is just the realistic option.

But if you actually prefer being a tranny than you are mentally ill.

Also, if you don’t want SRS than you’re probably not a valid transsexual. No offense to anyone, I’m just saying it as it is.

not op but I want srs very very badly yes, i have bad genital dysphoria
and no I don't "like" being a tranny but I certainly like it better than being cismale and being a ciswoman is literally impossible so? of course I'd want to become a tranny as opposed to any other realistic option
and I still got aroused by the idea of hrt growing up so whatever