Did anybody else see this?

Is she trooning?

Attached: AD4BEB52-9213-4B6A-9336-203572999094.jpg (750x481, 61.43K)

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yes we saw you literally posted it yesterday or someone did

probably just a teenage pic of he- i mean his

god i hope not

you are a good poster



Is the pic shopped? It looks shopped to me but if not Ariel passes really well

does anyone else feel like john maus is a repressor too? there was this pitchfork reviewer that basically called it in a review of his latest album:

>He sings into curtains of reverb about, presumably, his past: “Teenage witch/Want to start a fire witch,” he intones, hinting at the rage of stifling high school years.


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she has so many over the top disgusting AGP songs ("menstrual man" is pure ropefuel) that it was always inevitable that she was gonna troon. she's already officially non-binary

Vulgarity of biopolitics. Queers have become the new heteros claming their identity is based on objective scientific and psychiatric authority wanting to perpetuate themselves in time and raise up children to be like them. See also john maus' thesis and lee edelmans queer theory and the death drive


sadly yes

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He's admitted directly that he wanted to be a woman and felt averse to the idea of aging as a man (but eventually got over it, but integrated gender-bending into his music and presentation), but I can't find the exact quote atm.




Are you denying science? Everyone knows the LGBT(tm)identity is fully based on science and evidence, not even heterosexuality is backed by as much Hard data. instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition you should catch up to the 21s century and embrace an identity based on objective scientific and psychiatric criteria.

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I for one thank my liberal cis parents for helping me embrace my queer identity from an early age( mom would burn cigarettes on my skin hold me while dad put his cock in my mouth, then they would feel guilt and buy me lots of expensive toys they have been very accepting of me since i came out blacked out memories came back but to bring it up would cause too much a trouble .

Lgbt is a lobby made up of democrats NGOs public school teachers the woke pimps and pornographers of the sex industry who merely oppose the heterosexual family and the church because they want to monopolize the business of raping and indoctrinating children and make it as efficient as possible.

>Holy mother, why are you weeping? holy mother, why are you sad?
>Don’t you know your children love you? keep them safely from the prince of lies
>Why are you sleeping?
>Holy Mother, why aren’t you glad?
>Don’t you know your children love you? don’t you know?
>While you’re sleeping their lives pass you by
>Cannot cross the street
>See how they’re beaming, when you find the chance to take their hand and keep them from the lie see how they’re beaming, holy mother
>Don’t you know your children love you? don’t you know?

Proud Boy repressorcore

The moral claims that impede on all of these questions of 'liberation' and expression, human autonomy and 'social' activity, tie themselves to precisely the same truth process that is involved with interrogating and dissecting the mechanisms of bodily processes - the Christian moral law gets to see for itself where this Truth lies in the end (and in the interim we can only witness the agony of verification and auto-realization amidst convulsions of disavowal, shame and abdication). Whether these artefacts of the physical sciences are applied against or for a specific social contexture (or even "applied" at all), for the interests of a (supposed) diffuse power of authority and regulatory control by the so-called biopolitical apparatus (it no longer is even quite this at all, which will come to recognized), or for a reappropriated self-attestation and determination on the part of the individual against or in disregard for what is systematically imposed, for a recuperated sociality which integrates and reconciles all of these resultant tensions and establishes a renewed agreement of this greater range of human activity, or perhaps for the ends of an extermination whereby an entire assortment of behavioral subspecies of human could then be neatly and technically eliminated in-situ - none of this matters in any case when it comes to the consideration of this very object of investigation, of what is secretly already taking place: that sexuality is in the process of losing itself entirely, of disappearing precisely in the same way that sex disappeared before it.

>when designer fetuses become a thing there'll be no more lgbt degenerates!
Yeah I'm sure that's how it'll turn out lmao