/ftmg/ right wing edition

QOTT: When did you realize leftists see you as a mindless sheep for free votes, and swap to right wing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This dumpy pleases the chud

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last thread (nothing of value was lost):
Someone be a good boy and fetch the tagmap and resources.
Though I am uncertain if people ever use those anyways, however they do provide a look of professionalism.

We are all the Lord's sheep.
We hide behind thick pretentious "woker than thou" fur as a cope.
Rightoids are retarded. Leftists are retarded. As with androgyny, balance is key.

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I'm a registered Republican since the 2012 election. So long as it's not Trump or a similar idiot, I'll probably vote Republican next election idk

Only issue I have with rightoids in the USA aside from revoking LGBT rights is their stance on environmental issues. But democrats do fuck all about global warming despite claiming to believe in it so whatever

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sit on my face
T. Chud

Trump is the only based USA citizen. He's right about disbanding NATO. True king. I'll do online activism so he can get reelected when Biden gets impeached for being too senile to work.

Jack the tripper
However I'd be disappointed if those worthy did not recognize me at this point.
I was going to post that same wondrous image accompanied by words such as "left wing on the left versus right wing on the right" but then resorted to my classic image as a reminder that educated men and fakebois should have read Claudine.

Had no idea your trip was even off for that post til I saw the second one

Hello doods, hapoona matatas

i'm not right wing, but i'm not left either. i call myself neutral because i truly couldn't give two shits about politics, especially in canada. right now we're fucked no matter who wins the next election, none of our options are necessarily good.


Nah. Only based thing about Trump is that he at least doesn't try to hide that he only wanted to be president for the power trip. Biden and most others are no better but try and pretend they care about the American people when they're all selfish narcissists as well

Trump on top of that is just unfathombly retarded, manipulative and crazy.

Tbh a McCain or Romney presidency would have been ideal. Except libcucks voted for the black man not realizing Obama hates latinos and lined the oval office with the dismangled corpses of Syrian children more than the others would have

>But he's black so he can do no wrong! #progress

Like... absolute retarded question here, but... if you're a ftm and you're really really stacked, what do you do about that?

Like, obviously surgery, but before surgery what do you do about that?


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Push up bra and a crop top, just be a femboy uwu

Democrats see you as free votes, sure. Republicans on the other hand LITERALLY see you as a freak of nature want you to die. How stupid would you need to be to be a tranner and vote republican??

Democrats are right wing. I'm speaking about politics of civilized countries, not world's prolapsed anus.

Top surgery

America is the strongest empire to ever grace the world europoor

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Delusion. China is.

How does even your writing have a feminine cadence

All trannies are fembrained, mtfs and ftms

Lmao fembrained
USA never conquered
Chinas been conquered by everyone in Asia and Western Europe

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It's the like's lol.

impressive digits

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USA is literally a colony built upon people who failed in their countries so they had to immigrate elsewhere. It's a failure built upon failures.

Kamerad, du bist doch kein Kind, oder?
Und doch hast du wahrscheinlich recht, da ich keinen Wilhelm kenne. Nur Richards, Friedriche und Jakobs.

Thank you, unfortunately I do not lift enough for it to be noticeable. I just had a brief phase in which I would lift dumbbells at home once in a while, though still not routinely. It's mostly just cisslavhon genetics. Pretty sure I'd be body dysmorphic the other way around if I was a normal woman.

Based and malebrained!

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based just so long as by "right wing" you don't mean something cringe like "the Republican party", I know you aren't American but still thought it merited saying,
t. third pos

It’s built by the people who had the guts to leave being a serf in Europe and make a life of their own

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>t.Pole living in Ireland
Could be worse though, you could be cleaning toilets dressed in a maid outfit at the the other side of the Irish Sea

There WILL be a wave of detrasitioners within the next 5 years. You’re already seeing the beginning of it.

and? chicks with deep voices and huge clits are never a bad thing

>country built by people that nobody wanted in their country
>country is so shit that people try to go back to where their ancestors came from
Sounds about right, weird how prison colonies turned out better than the us lmfao

>sitting around shirtless in living room
>older sister says I have gotten hotter since transitioning
Do you think I can hit?

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yes. try playing "steal my sunshine" by len around her

Mozart this piccrew reminded me of you, vaguely German and a little faggy picrew.me/image_maker/60781

Jealousy is very fembrained
America bankrolled your reconstruction after your euro wars

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