Good book

Good book

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i can't read

It's not a good book at all. Have you even read it yourself? What was your favorite chapter or segment?

what's actually in this? is it just my daughter can't be a tranny there would have been signs?

do pooners really get a hole taken out of them?


yo, is this book saying little girls are just holes? that's messed up

It's saying they become Hollows

Some excerpts:

>Her mothers were a little unnerved by the extent to which Julie seemed to revere her new friend. After school, Julie would often meet up with Lauren, who introduced her to anime, computer-animated images of anthropomorphized creatures. “I had no idea it was tied into this whole trans culture,” Shirley said to me. Online, Julie began to visit DeviantArt, an art-sharing website with a large transgender following and a lot of gender ideology in its comments section.24

>There are more than a dozen social media sites and online forums that facilitate the discovery of a trans identity. YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, and TikTok are all popular hubs for sharing and documenting a physical transformation, seething over transphobia, celebrating the superpowers conferred by testosterone, offering tips for procuring a prescription, and commiserating about how hard it is to be trans today.

>There are more than a dozen social media sites and online forums that facilitate the discovery of a trans identity. YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, and TikTok are all popular hubs for sharing and documenting a physical transformation, seething over transphobia, celebrating the superpowers conferred by testosterone, offering tips for procuring a prescription, and commiserating about how hard it is to be trans today.

The book is literally boomers whining about zoomers the entire time. The book has zero interviews with the kids in question, or any verification at all that any of it actually happened. It just takes the parents words as fact.

More information on abusive parents:

True but I still hate trannies

I messed up an excerpt but its' all the same shit. "The little 16 year old suddenly started spending so much time online! It was brainwashing her!" over and over and over again

the 2-3 "detransers" it interviews are the same fucking ones Helen Joyce talks about too, the same weird grifters and fake detransers(still on hrt etc) and theyfabs as always, terfs just keep writing the same book over and over

>To understand the contemporary trans epidemic among teenage girls, we’ll need to explore just how far girlhood has departed from this picture. It isn’t merely that the image requires a gadget update—Spotify for CDs, text messages swapped in for telephone talk. It’s that adolescence today contains far fewer of the in-person comforts and torments and consolations that once filled the everyday life of teenage girls. Being asked out or rejected or kissed or fondled—crying and celebrating and laughing about it with your best friend, her voice and expression, not just her words, promising you weren’t alone.

>Being asked out or rejected or kissed or fondled

zoomer femcel vs boomer stacy

>The book has zero interviews with the kids in question, or any verification at all that any of it actually happened. It just takes the parents words as fact.
for some bizarre reason, this seems to be the case for all of the "gender ideology" pieces out there. they'll talk to a few detransitioners and leave the rest to the parents

basically like living in china and writing an article about america and americans after exclusively interviewing a few chinese citizens and chinese politicians and 2 american expats who moved to china 5 years ago

also, I love these terms that instantly signal what tribe someone's affiliated with

>gender ideology


Also it's funny that the two most popular terf books are from self-proclaimed Conservative Women, abigail schrier and helen joyce, and both constantly praise conservative family values and upholding the sacred family unit and so on. yet they're beloved and universally critically acclaimed by gendercrits!

yes they literally just keep referencing the same 2-3 detransers over and over. they now had to stop talking about keira bell too considering she turned out to be a conspitard wackjob and fake detranser too lmao.

helen joyce defending zucker in pic related
abigail schirer defending zucker in text:

>But transition was never his goal—if he could help a child or adolescent become more comfortable in their skin, he would. And he doesn’t believe in taking a patient’s self-diagnosis at face value, either. After a lifetime of study, he was the professional, after all.

>On the basis of their claims that he had engaged in “conversion therapy,” as well as specious accusations that he had denigrated and humiliated transgender patients, Dr. Zucker was fired and his gender identity clinic shut down.6 Nearly five hundred mental health professionals from around the world signed an open letter to CAMH protesting Dr. Zucker’s firing. It seemed obvious that the hospital had sacrificed an international expert on gender dysphoria and the families he served “for some real or imagined local political gain.”7 But to any mental health professional paying attention, the message was clear: Not even the most prominent members of their profession were safe from the activist mob. Get on board with “affirmative therapy”—or lose your job and maybe your license.

they literally all keep reprinting the same bullshit "muh cancel culture" over and over again and do zero research on anything he actually did. And yet when you search for any terf reviews and comments on these two books, they fucking love both books and gush over them. This is the kind of therapy Gender Criticals all support.

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>They are far less likely to suffer the wounds brought on by adolescent heedlessness—but they’ve also failed to be toughened by the scars. Plunge into the furnace of adolescent experimentation, and you may suffer harm. Survive, and you are likely to emerge steelier, so much fragility having been banged out.

the sissies weren't beaten enough

>They’ve also never been sexually active. Many have never had a kiss—with boy or girl. According to Sasha Ayad, a therapist whose practice is largely devoted to trans-identifying adolescents, many have never masturbated. Their bodies are a mystery to them, their deepest desires under-explored and largely unknown.

why does she care if kids masturbate?

>The adolescent girls currently identifying as transgender have almost nothing in common with this picture. They don’t want to “pass”—not really. They typically reject the boy–girl dichotomy that Brandon Teena took for granted. They make little effort to adopt the stereotypical habits of men: They rarely buy a weight set, watch football, or ogle girls. If they cover themselves with tattoos, they prefer feminine ones—flowers or cartoon animals, the kind that mark them as something besides stereotypically male; they want to be seen as “queer,” definitely not as “cis men.” They flee womanhood like a house on fire, their minds fixed on escape, not on any particular destination.

you need to rape this many women to be a man

>When I think back to my own high school years in the 1990s, no one came out as “trans.” And until the last five years, that is precisely what the statistics for gender dysphoria would have predicted. Somewhere around.01 percent of the population means that you probably didn’t go to high school with anyone who was “trans” either.

had a teacher in high school out an ftm and got the entire class in trouble for not joining in on the bullying. most faggots stay in the closet for a reason

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I'm a pooner who's parents read this drivel AMA

>keira bell
how is she a fake detransitioner? source?

She's still on T and still has dysphoria, just has zero backbone lol

The Gender Critical Method for Parenting:

1. Don’t Get Your Kid a Smartphone
>Nearly every novel problem teenagers face traces itself back to 2007 and the introduction of Steve Jobs’s iPhone.

>You’re the parent for a reason. Don’t be afraid to push back; your adolescent can handle it. You don’t have to go along with everything she comes up with (even claims about sexuality or identity).

>The trajectory of the life of Chiara, whose story I mentioned in the previous chapter, changed after her mother arranged for her to live on a horse farm that had no internet. Brie from Chapter Five quit her job to travel with her daughter and then moved across the country. Another family pulled up stakes and moved from a progressive city to an immigrant community that shared their values, as you will see in the Afterword.

>If you find your daughter steeping in a tea of gender ideology with all of her peers, do what it takes to lift her out and take her away. If she is still living with you, a move seems incredibly effective, especially if it’s early in her trans identification. If she is already at college, bring her home.

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oh yes the book also has a whole section about blanchard and bailey just like helen joyces book. all terfs just keep writing the same copypasta horseshit over and over again

its really funny reading her advice about "Don't let your trans teen bully you! Stay strong and fight back!!" literally all about portraying the teen as the Abuser/Predator and the Parent as the sad innocent victim. If you read this it all follows the exact same signs (some of the parents in the book are estranged as well):

that sounds a lot like LGB Alliance's takes as well
trans kids need to FUCK and GET FUCKED before knowing for sure if they're trans or not

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this person seems to have made a bunch of video essays about this shitty book idk if its any good but yeah maybe its worth it

>who introduced her to anime, computer-animated images of anthropomorphized creatures.
That description makes it sound more like furry porn