It's not a fetish

>it's not a fetish
>you actually have a female gender identity

why couldnt i just be a degenerate

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how can you tell the difference?

not op but it's obvious to me. i find being seen as a man in anyway disgusting, femboy, normal guy, whatever. sissy shit is disgusting to me. ive tried jerking off to the "thought of being a woman" and it does nothing. my brain just thinks it's a woman through and through.

>it is a fetish
Ngl, being a degenerate feels pretty alright, but I have exhausted all of the porn for it.

the pleasure i get around it isnt solely erotic or genital-sexual at the very least. theres kind of an innocent or pure peace. its not even necessarily bliss when im girlmoding its just like fulfillment of the basest sort. like a soft breeze or the sound of rain. idk im trying to express it but not doing a good job.

hmm I don't feel disgusted by being seen as a man but rather I feel no way at all about it. Like I am disconnected from the self I inhabit. When I crossdress or do make-up or get referred to in a non-masculine way I feel sort of good about it, in a non-erotic way.
I feel like I get what you're saying

>sissy shit is disgusting to me
Tbf sissy shit is disgusting to everyone

>rather I feel no way at all about it. Like I am disconnected from the self I inhabit.
i felt the same way when i first realized what was going on, but as time goes on i feel more grossed out about it. perhaps a symptom of less derealization and getting more in touch with my body. ymmv

Do you mean that masculinity is becoming more and more unpleasant to you in time?

yes, pretty much. but also as time goes on i feel like im more able to lean into my masculine side (everyone has masc and fem tendencies regardless of trans or gender) and not feel like shit as well. it's basically just the identity of being a man that's repulsive

yes i feel that. i kind of enjoy some aspects of my old masculinity (some interests, having the opportunity to assert myself, hanging out with male friends [in certain contexts]) but i would only ever want to experience them more if it meant i was doing it as like a gnc woman. it really sucks because sometimes i feel like i have to forget what i used to like in order to be seen as a woman

I know, right?! A lot of the theories about trannies seem to be super focused on sexuality and it just feels so far from my actual experiences.

>I think being a femboy would not be disgusting
>jerking off to the imagined feeling of having a female body works for me
thank fucking god, it's just a fetish

Learn to fucking read, retard

yeah, it's something that everyone will have to get over. im sure everyone, even cis people who have interests that don't align with their stereotypes, suffer from this. once you do get over that hurdle it's definitely a feeling of elation.
lots of them are just repeating blanchardisms they heard from other self hating tranners on Any Forums. normal people who want to better themself don't get the spotlight.
im glad you can solve your problems with your pp, user

>don't have a female gender identity
>still have severe gender dysphoria that's lasted for several years
what the fuck do i do... should i just detrans
t. 6 1/2 months hrt boymoder

what are you dysphoric about?

if youre on hrt and not disliking it then why would you stop?

my body is too large and masculine and i felt distressed by pubertal changes, body hair, facial hair, voice drop etc
because i look uncanny and when i go outside i feel like every damn person can tell that im trans. and getting called she/her in public while im manmoding is confusing me. i just feel really self conscious i guess and am starting to wonder if perma-manmoding just isnt feasible

>gets called she/her while manmoding
you are living the dream of a lot of people on here, but if its not your dream then why stick around with it? everyone is different and lots of people are going to have different desires. if you want to manmode forever then hrt is going to affect your chances of doing that. big naturals are never going to pass as male no matter what else you do

I still don't know if I'm really trans or not. Some days I think its certain and then other times it must be impossible.

Rest assured user. Although youre much different than those with a simple fetish you are a degenerate! Congratulations