Why is transbian t4t so much more normal than straight t4t?

For transbians, dating other transbians is basically the default, to the point where dating cis women is an exception.

For straight trans women, dating cis men is the default, and dating trans men is the weird niche thing. Most straight trans women refuse to date trans men, while most transbians exclusively date trans women, and the ones who don't get called rapehons.

Is it that transbians are less picky than straight trans women, or is it that cis men are less picky than cis women and more willing to date trannies? Or is it that AMAB trannies gravitate towards other AMABs? Is there a parallel with gaydens?

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>For transbians, dating other transbians is basically the default, to the point where dating cis women is an exception.
now that the floodgates are open, yes. But dating cis women is quite easy.

> Is it that transbians are less picky than straight trans women

The new ones are total trainwrecks, they take what they can get.

this is just patently untrue lmao, only people who spend all their time and get their perspective from only this board think this
st4t is as common if not moreso than gt4t, it's just that the threads here get grotesquely filled with rapehons/bad actors

the new transbians or the new straight trans women?

what kind of bad actors? Anyways my perspective isn't from here, it's from asking a bunch of straight trans women if they'd ever date a trans man and the vast majority of them saying no.

new transbians. The ones that have to settle.

Even 5 years ago settling down with a cis woman was typical.

what changed?

I'm bi and talking to a trans man at the moment, it's great. I think a lot of straight and bi trans women outside this board do desu, but some of the ones from here are too dumb, shallow and penis obsessed to consider it an option. They should reassess in my opinion but if not it's no big deal, more for me

Because, despite what people will say, men are more open to dating transsexuals.
But the more important thing is that transbians are looking for lesbians. They don't want open-minded straight women.
If you do the math, you'll find that 1.4% of adult straight men is like 37.5 million people, or something like that.
Whereas with lesbians, 10% of them, is like 2.7 million people. 14 times less than the straight guys.
In the end it's easy for transbians to go t4t.

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More cis straight men and bi than cis gay and bi women.

There are way more mtf than ftm. Also ftms tend to date men

>Because, despite what people will say, men are more open to dating transsexuals.
Yeah I think the surveys are inaccurate because they miss the fact that straight men have an incentive to say that they wouldn't date a tranny because they're socially stigmatized for it, while homosexual women have an incentive to say that they would date a tranny because they're socially stigmatized for refusing. If you look at the sheer popularity of tranny porn (when porn is basically made for men), it's difficult to argue that more men aren't into trannies than will admit it. Men are attracted to secondary sex characteristics, like booba/ass, which trannies have, while women are attracted to people with shared experiences, which trannies do not have.

>what kind of bad actors?
a ton of the posts in generals on this board are kiwifarms/polchuds folk suibaiting or developing narratives
in this specific case, check out st4t and see how comically stereotypically "i'm pretending to be a caricature of a rapehon"-tier posts there are by mtfs talking about ftm pussy. 99% of actual st4t people aren't that retarded/insensitively disgusting. similar can be seen in literally every general

the rates of mtfs and ftms are about equal, you just don't see as many ftms hanging around Any Forums.

gay women hate AGPs though. The only demographics of cis women that will date mtfs are (1) cishet women they were dating before transition and (2) bi women who are willing to date men.

transbian are just trying to get what they can while straight mtf have plenty of choice(and usually see ftm as lesser men like most people)

imo straight t4t usually leads to bad outcomes because HSTSes won't date ftms (since the 2 things they're most attracted to are dick and height), so st4t usually ends up being straight/biden x transbian rapehon who sees them as a cis woman.

This isn't coming from this board, this is coming from the trannies I've talked to. The majority of HSTS friends I've talked to said they wouldn't go t4t because they don't want to date a dickless manlet, and I've met so many transbians who said they would date a trans man (or who have), and every one of them misgendered their former partner explicitly or implicitly.

That has almost nothing to do with what I wrote.
My whole point is that there are far more cis guys open to dating trans women, who trans women will also want to date, than there are cis women.
Cis straight guys would still rather date trans men instead of trans women. And the total number of women open to dating trans women is almost equal to the total number of men (~40 million cis men into trans women, ~40 million cis women into trans women). Problem is that roughly 35 million of these women identify as straight, so they're not in the transbian dating pool.

Male trans usually have a better relationship with homosexuality than heterosexuality and having sex with men is probably easier because it's similar to being gay. Even if the chasers don't think of themselves as gay they really are unless they're going out with trannies that don't have a penis.
I never understood the transbian thing and I never tried it so I don't see how I could ever say what they like or what they don't like. If I had to guess, some people probably will settle for anything other than being alone?

This is statistically untrue, you just live in a bubble

>There are way more mtf than ftm
75% of people showing up to gender clinics are afab

Complete and total brain worms and this has nothing at all to do with my point. Have you been huffing paint thinner

There are like 20% more trans men than trans women

here's one of those bad actor posts, thank you for the example

I’ve found myself vibing with trans men more than women honestly. They seem like genuinely concerned about my feelings, and are generally just cool dudes to bro it up with. Whenever I date a trans girls they’ve been clingy, psychotic, or emotionally unavailable, and I just don’t vibe with it.

Why would you use a picture of somebody that's so obviously a big man pushing around a woman? I've been to lesbian clubs where feminine men are physically threatened if they get sexual with a woman. Most dikes can beat up femboys and if you think they can hit on a femme lesbian, there's always a butch dyke standing nearby.

i love being transbian, being all-but-married (yet) to gf that treats me like a queen, is much taller than me and gives me snuggles and love as much as i need

i cant imagine a cisgirl would put up with my shit

I think strict T4T is its own sexuality, and studies on GAMP seem to prove this. Honestly, I think the two primary trans orientations are AGAMP and bi with varying degrees of libido (high libido = straight, low = lesbian). We are seeing a renaissance of AGAMP T4T autistic MTFs right now, especially in online spaces, which is why it seems like this is normal. And the normalization only means that the non-AGAMP trannies leave and go touch grass even more.

for me, i would date a fellow trans woman or man if they also were nerdy+aspie+had a career like me. I like people who I can relate to, and I don't relate to cis women or cis men much, so they would have to be able to connect with my weird self, especially bc I'm somewhat asexual, so sex does not really sway my opinion of a relationship

>having penis
megabased and desirable
>having vagina
megacringe and disgusting