Why are cis people such sick disgusting monsters

My trans girlfriend killed herself. Her parents insisted on using her dead name and old pre transition photos for the funeral despite what me and all of her friends told them. I was invited but left half way through because of sheer rage and disgust. How could they do this? An innocent woman dies and they have the audacity to disrespect and defile her like that. She did nothing wrong and these fucking freaks do this to her and think themselves in the right. All the joy and happiness in this woman for being herself and they disregard it for their own perverted values. I want to be angry but I'm devastated and at a loss that this is how the average cis person treats trans people. She never did anything and they're still so heartless. Is this ever going to change?

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Hatred breeds hatred. So it starts with you, treat everyone as an equal until they prove otherwise, and if they are cunts? Then you should not care about their opinions, ignore and move on. I'm basically the devil to a lot of folk here, as I'm white, male and CIS. I've also lost two trans friends to suicide and one to an OD.

Long story short, if you want things to change, start with yourself. Being angry is the easy option, it's why this world is full of angry violent people, rise above it.

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I'm not even angry. I feel broken and miserable.

Oh look, its what will happen to me when I inevitably blow my brains out!

They cared only for selfish reasons. When she was a boy she appeared more socially conforming and more compliant to her parents' attempts to mold her into copies of themselves.

Her transition represents breaking away from that mold, becoming her own being instead of a replicant.

So they celebrated the time she was serving their inner desire, to replicate.

They are just animals. Did you really expect any better?

>inb4 the ywnbaw pasta

op you need to leave this god forsaken website and talk to a therapist about this

In times like that all one can do is hold out hope for a better world. I have faith it will come one day. But in the meantime, I can’t imagine your pain. I’m sorry something so terrible happened.

op, i'm so fucking sorry for your loss. i hope she's at peace now.

good luck finding a therapist that would even understand whats the problem here

Isnt a person suppose to be buried under their legal name and not a name a random person wants them to be buried?

There's nothing that demands that at all. The family can control everything, you could be legally female changed name and everything, estranged for years, then the family can have your head shaved and you slapped in a suit

Relevant video youtube.com/watch?v=PVgumSUZQRI

Good thing Im being cremated then
Fuck being buried in a cemetery next to a bunch of normalfags

his parents are based as fuck. don't play along with troon delusions. did you at least get AIDS from your bf before he passed?

Not in defence of the parents by any means, but perhaps understanding why they did it this way will help. The parents raised their child, they watched them grow up and cared for them, perhaps they didn't fully accept that their child grew up to be what they hadn't anticipated, its on the parents for not accepting who they are now, but they are grieving parents and they will do whatever they need to do to cope with the loss of their child. Even though its selfish, down the line they might feel terrible about what they did, but they see it as the right and only thing to do even if it really was out of touch and disrespectful. They don't see it the same way you do.

Its awful that your girlfriend didn't get the service they deserved, I'm sorry.

Probably the gayest post on this board.

You know, I despise poltards in probably the same way you do us, but I would at least have the human empathy of not fucking with you people when one of you were grieving the loss of a partner. I don’t know what moral framework could justify such behavior, but I can only hope you never get the chance to find a partner to even lose, for your sake and theirs.

Also consider that they invited OP knowing it would hurt them.

Deadnaming is shit no matter the reason, and I know full well my family would try the same thing. So I gotta block them.

i'm sorry user. you did nothing to deserve this evil. you're a good person. take solace in the fact all things will one day be made right

Holy shit thats disgusting. I hate how much power a random cis bitch has over my life and even death.
Thanks for a video, i will do that stuff so my parents that almost made me kill myself wouldn't be even allowed at a funeral

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Unless your parents decide they'll have you buried instead ;^]

Glad it helped
