I feel like I would be a stain on LGBT community

I'm the most masculine person you'll ever meet. Seriously, like, I'm super gross and disgusting. I pick my nose and devour food so fast its gone in a second. I shave my legs, but the hair grows back in a day. I have a mustache shadow. But at the same time, I want to be a girl. I've always wanted to be a girl, and put effort into being one. I'm usually so lazy, but I would do anything to be a cis one. But I don't feel like a girl. I'm fembrained, tests have proven that, and so my friends have told me I act feminine, mostly because I'm not interested in sex out of them, and I don't push myself on them. but I'm fat. I don't want to be a stain on the community, so what do I do? I want to change and be more feminine, but I don't know how. Where should I start, when it comes to being to being more feminine and less masculine? (I hate the fact my parents gave me these male genes. I have body dysphoria and social dysphoria.)

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lose weight and start hrt

Don't transition. You're an AGP meathead who will put a stain on the LGBT community, and bring back LGBT rights by decades. Kill yourself, you'll be a girl in heaven

just don't kill yourself

Im trying. Im already on a diet to try and lose weight, but it said its going to take 6 months to get to an average weight....

get hair removal
start hrt
try to self-monitor on the disgusting gross habits

Oh wow based

In all honesty I sound like the AFAB version of you. Girls are slobs too. Though for your success I would just recommend HRT, losing weight, and therapy.

Stop drinking sugar, replace all pop juice with water, you're welcome!

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Good idea. I have a rope right here, Do you wanna watch?
I won't, just joking. I mean... I am tranner, so I am suicidal, but as long as I have a chance of passing, I won't do it yet.

you cant be a stain on the community if you dont go outside!

>Girls are slobs too
Cis women are allowed to be slobs because they don't have to worry about what makes them a woman. Trans women, however, have to be as stereotypically feminine as possible-- since thats the only way they will be "women."

That's What I'm trying to do.
Okay, if its that simple, I will. I'll try to get more feminine hobbies on the way.
I actually only drink water already, ironically.

I am you and I have been repressing for years. I don't wanna be a hon freak, at least like this I get some respect in society and larp as le trad minimalist asexual kind of person which is pretty cool for most. Of course in private I jerk off to all sorts of retarded shit.

Good point! Maybe I can just live in my parents basement and be a stain on their lives instead!
Based and pinkpilled.
Oof. I don't want to repress anymore, I've wanted to be a girl my whole life and I only just found out about hormones. But I sort of admire your strength to not troon out despite the feelings. I wish you luck! (Although fapping is gross desu)

I'd still respect you more than cishet couples who make up their genders for social brownie points

That is a good point. I just want to clarify, trans women have to "perform woman" publicly... but it shouldn't change the fact that OP can be a slobby chick in private.
The sad reality is that many trans women have to perform a stereotype to be openly accepted, but extending that performance to your private alone time will probably become overbearingly exhausting.
I guess tl;dr, do what you have to OP, but don't let it bleed into your private life anyways? I don't have much advice aside from "keep on trucking" I guess

stop shitting up all the threads on this board and stop replying to yourself. you are a pathetic individual

I can do what I want! I've done this for years, just without namefagging

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honestly exact same feeling. Dont really want to bother trying estrogen unless I can actually start losing weight, and at best have just been letting my hair grow for the past few months. Worried I'll just be an enternal repressor, but being a ugly stain in this community may just be worse for me

>I feel like I would be a stain on LGBT community
I can assure you there's far worse stains on the community.
Let's not forget that for decades we've been peddling pozzed homeless crack addicts as lgbt "heroes" because they threw a brick at a cop once.

>I'm super gross and disgusting. I pick my nose and devour food so fast its gone in a second. I shave my legs, but the hair grows back in a day. I have a mustache shadow.
so are most trannies but that doesn't stop them from transitioning. just be honfident.

you are insignificant in the grand scheme so dont worry

T is already a stain on LGB community ...

this. neither of us want to see you go hollow.
why you damn madman