Tfw people expect you to fight for black people's rights when they hate LGBT people and routinely kill/assault/harass...

>tfw people expect you to fight for black people's rights when they hate LGBT people and routinely kill/assault/harass them

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Black people are higher up on the victim hierarchy than we are in the views of society. Therefore, we're obligated to support black rights if we want the support of society at large.


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multiculturalism is a disease, i dont stand up for people that dont show gratitude

Its because the average liberal refuses to hold black people accountable for anything and makes excuses for all their bad behavior. Their culture of homophobia/transphobia and their disturbingly high rates of violence against LGBTQ+? That's just because of their socioeconomic circumstances therefore they are immune to criticism.

Put the black and brown in your flag goy. You wouldn't wanna be a chud would you?
LGBTQIA2S+ will only be inclusive when the default flag has every single identity represented. We're gonna need more chevrons.

I wish I had a pass to be a bigot just because I grew up poor.


idk how liberals cope with the fact that if brown people didn't exist there would be barely any homophobia left in the world

Pretty much this. Black people are often openly misogynistic and racist to this day with little pushback. You expect these snowflakes to come back to bat for us faggots when they won't for themselves? Chappelle being 'transphobic' was the most pushback any black guy has ever gotten and guess what? It was just twitter. Dave is still in show business, nobody cares.

not just that but crime rate would be virtually nonexistent while all the deficit would stop. we would have futuristic highly advanced high trust societies

wipipo bad
nigger gud

there, lib ethics.

I want to live in your homo space paradise.
Maybe I'll just move to Sweden (not Stockholm though, obviously).

Yes OP. Black lgbt people do not exist.

You are dumb as fuck.

t. Black tranny

White people are the reason other cultures are homophobic and transphobic. You arent going to fix any of this by squarely placing blame on Black people. If you do then you have clearly missed a large portion of the historical existence of Black queers and our work to get rights for worthless white queers like you OP.

you don't need to care about the rights of the ones who do any of that

You are retarded. 1% of you doesn't negate the 99%. It doesn't negate your overall culture, it doesn't negate the statistics.

>White people are the reason other cultures are homophobic and transphobic

segregation would just be a good start, keep the races seperated, we dont get along, multi culti is unwanted by everyone but a small elite to sow discord and divide. ppl self segregate anyway on average, we are naturally tribalist

^ This is your brain on student debt.

If you're black and you don't think your culture has a problem with homophobia and transphobia then you're being incredibly and willfully ignorant.

Who cares if ((they)) expect you to support black rights? Black people have done nothing for the LGBT. They've raped us, beaten us, tortured us-- all because they're monkeys who can't think of anything but violence. Ignore the jews, think for yourself.

The jews are the only ones doing anything for our rights though. Without the jews LGBT people would still face death penalty

Of course there's black LGBT, nobody said otherwise retard. That doesn't matter because we're talking about black people as a whole not this fringe group of people that don't impact anything.

>23 posts
>10 posters


I wish mods could just ban these threads. they're posted every fucking day. go post in Any Forums and be with your white brethren who love you so much more than black people do

Any Forums hates trannies


really makes you think, huh

fair, a lot of it is honest dialogue, but seem suspicious as possible samefags

yeah this. but the goyim ungrateful no matter what.

>really makes you think, huh
You can be a tranny and be critical of certain races, the two identities have nothing to do with eachother

Imagine being this much of a schizo.

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