/aapgen/ De Niro edition

Listen up pooners. This man is the fucking aap gold standard. He has everything a transmasc would want and more. Brad Pitt and Kurt Kobain are close seconds tho but Bobby is number one.

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>aydencore robert de niro
Never knew such a concept could exist

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Oh it's always existed

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Based, seeing a picture of Travis Bickle shirtless when I was 11 was what turned me into an aap, I had a little bit of gender issues before that but just seeing De Niro like that is what solidified it and made me gender identity switch

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Literally why don't any of you fucks post regularly

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Taxi Driver is a movie that truly belongs to FTMs

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We all have schizoid personality disorder
Also aapgen doesn’t get enough dafoe posting. I’m here to change that

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Does anyone else here like being humiliated/dominated, both as just a normal male and through forcemasc?
Hot and based

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Kind of… In theory, yes, but when i’ve been the sub in sexual situations irl i’ve always hated it. I much prefer to be the dom in real life but i think some residual fembrain or something makes me need to nut to bdsm/degradation when i’m masturbating. And even that only works if i imagine myself as a strong powerful man who’s having his ego destroyed.

Yes but without forcemasc

Is there such thing as a Mark Zuckerberg aap subtype?

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Anyone here publicly identify as gnc/a crossdresser because telling people you're an autoanimeboyphile is insane? I don't want to have aap..but God it feels good. I want to be able to communicate my identity without actually saying it

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Just troon out lmao

I wonder if there’s any ayden that ships these two out there, if not I hope I didn’t bring it into existence

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Too late

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It’s normal for an aap to want to be a nerdy (sometimes sociopathic) white boy

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Is The Batman going to convert more women to aapism than ever before?
I calm myself gnc/a tomboy despite being the one of the most feminine women known to man just because I can describe my cross-gender desires in any other way
>he doesn't know about bobbyposting

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Whole board needs more bobbyposting

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I hate amabs more than life, seeing an form of of hrt femboy/gender ambiguous theymab puts me in the rage. Trans women at least have the decency to be ashamed of being male, with enbies or futches or whatever they're just desperate to shove it in your face that you'll never, ever look like them or be interesting like them or be loved by like them
Picrel was some Twitter fag who was literally a perfect specimen of youthful male beauty but threw it all a way to be some estrogen-poisoned transfem thing

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