20 year old tranner here, my bf is 35 and wants me to roleplay as a schoolgirl during sex

20 year old tranner here, my bf is 35 and wants me to roleplay as a schoolgirl during sex.....

Is this weird, it feels kind weird.....

Attached: 1646192798965.jpg (850x828, 60.45K)

well do you like it?

have your bf roleplay as your big brother instead

well you are a girl right

it feels weird...
like some predator prey roleplay...

if you had an ounce of self respect youd leave him. he sounds like a pornsick closed pedo whos taking advantage of you

my friends a teacher and is really in to schoolgirl outfits...

You can get some quality cosplay uniforms on amazon for just $40. Just read through the reviews, my ex grew into it eventually.

t. chaser



stfu hon

No it's hot af, also pls show us your tummy!

oh no.

How do I find a bf like you


Yes hello what about my question tho

is saying "hi" cuz they ARE the bf like (and may actually just be themselves)
smoothbrained bottom :p

Don't be rude user :(

you dropped this

Attached: thumbor.jpg (1200x800, 55.3K)

haha your bf is a pedophiliac male

Thanks for picking it up :)