This post was reposted on twitter, and these were some of the replies:

this post was reposted on twitter, and these were some of the replies:

>why would you admit you had a nazi phase like it was a small quirky thing you did in high school????
>Why are so many trans girls lowkey proud that they almost slipped into full neo nazi mode.
>White queers are the weakest link.
>I’m tired of people normalizing white supremacism and misogyny as “a part of transitioning”. Have a fucking ounce of shame and contrition cracker
>some of you motherfuckers need to be way more embarrassed about your past
>why do so many people think being a monster is a quirky phase they get to reminisce about?
>I do not like Any Forums White transfems.
>Never had this phase but the "it's stupid until it affects me" mindset means you already pass as an entitled white bitch so go off

What do you think? Do they have a point?

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Other urls found in this thread:

not everyone on Any Forums is racist
i, for one, fucking hate racists

>>I do not like Any Forums White transfems.
As a right wing guy, this is the only place where I see trans girls as real girls, so perhaps they have a point in hating you

Stupid niggers being niggers, who cares

who the fuck normalized bigoted whateverism as part of transition

>muh neo nazis
Do those people really? Can they be fixed? Sometimes i feel they should be just tossed under the ground, theyre non sapient, and barely sentient.

How is she 'boasting' or being proud about it? I dont get it

Also they already decided its some "white" trans.

i had an edgy anti-feminist atheist phase myself when i was like 12. i dont see how being swept up in the dumb anti-feminist zeitgeist of the early 2010s as a kid makes somebody a bad person

>if you gamergate you're a nazi
Do Twitter faggots really?

hated the replies on that tweet so fucking much

alright look twittershits, nobody is proud that they almost became a neonazi - theyre proud that they diverted away from it, and making light on the fact of that.

>normalizing white supremacisim and misogyny

Since when lmao? There are people around the community that were pro-feminist and anti-nazi before they were transitioning. And most of the times when trans people say they almost became a nazi they mean that they just used to be homophobic and racist, not actually adore hitler.

Also like, fucking christ. Half of those replies are definetely from virtue signallers. I'm a fucking Indian trans woman and I'm not bawling over the fact some people weren't feminists when they were a edgy 12 year old.

Also many people were raised to be against the LGBT/feminism. No shit many of them would be anti-that in their early years.

Sorry for the long rant, just hate this bullshit banter on "transfems being nazis", stereotyping and just being reverse-racist lmfao

>I didn't like feminism growing


listen, like, why SHOULD a teenage repressing boy(transgirl) living in the 2000s be a feminist? what does feminism do for her that she should love it so much? it often just antagonized her and actively excluded her, just like the rest of society did to her.
most people who think women should have equal rights etc dont even call themselves feminists so it doesnt even mean she hates women or anything.

>What do you think?
i think people tweet way too much
also lots of black seem to be pro-segregation, espcially the super wokes on e.g. tiktok

let's face it, most of these retards were probably on tumblr sending death threats to 13 year olds for drawing the wrong gay rape slash fanart of fucking percy jackson characters or some shit in the mid 2010s too.

how the fuck is trolling feminists anywhere near equatable to nazism or white supremacism?

They should just go back to africa.

slippery slopes are good for making irrational people angry

95% of people just aren't going to seriously empathize with someone else's problems so unless they end up experiencing it themselves they won't get it.
This shouldn't be surprising.
It's not like these people aren't in glass houses either

Alright link the twitter post

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People are too stupid. Like if you weren’t out there as a street thug committing hate crime it literally is a quirky high school phase. I mean Jesus Christ the biggest most militant right wing ideology from the trump era was a bunch of boomers who thought jfk jr and DJT arrested and holographically replaced all the celebrities who said Black Lives Matter. All politics in the west are indistinguishable from fuck hogwarts houses

i honestly dont care - im not even american - but that solution has obvious issues
plus, they would deserve reparations

so, no, i dont think they should, i think they should be educated to not be idiot racists
you should, too

Some people think Twitter users deserve human rights
However i think they don't

these retards are the same people that have an accepting community irl and 1/2 of the time already in hrt treatement or even top surgery for ftms, and claim how transfems are the most opressed and theyre opresed

fuck off, youre in a non-opressive community, be proud of that. and for identities? yeah no trans people overall are similarly opressed, transfems even more because the world only thinks trans girls exist

she clearly regrets having that phase. judging by the reaction image she’s probably thinking something along the lines of “how could i be such a dumbass?” or “how was i so fucking blind?”

oh hey im literally on this twitter thread as we speak! uh, everyone in it is stupid


t'was a post made by /tttt/ posts on twitter, the tweet isnt any cancer, replies are

>Also many people were raised to be against the LGBT/feminism. No shit many of them would be anti-that in their early years.

some of the repliers are probably AFAB(so feminism is their natural birthright they'll never question) or grew up in some hippy liberal environment growing up and have no idea what it's like to live anywhere else.
I've found most transgirls, ESPECIALLY on Any Forums, grew up in conservative or repressive environments, unsupportive families, religious schools, etc. many here are millennials too so have to take that timeframe into account. What sorts of things were they hearing about feminism from society and media (and from bad feminists too!) when they were growing up?

i wonder how many of these twitterfags #standbyukraine and the funding & armament of unironic neonazis with a record of fagbashing.
but no, user should be expelled from society because they called a blue hair lady fat in high school.

no, im just too tired and pissed off to correct my english. despite being born in india and living in brazil im most fluent in english

They all have meta-attraction! Everyone here has it but me.

Im fine thank you. Niggers dont have the capacity to be educated though, thats why they had to destroy public education in the USA, you know, "leveling down".

Also not to forget it didn't all dissapear with gen z, theres a ton of gen zs in enviroments that are antifeminism and antitrans, its why the internet is still flooded with retarded far-rigt takes

link it reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Niggers dont have the capacity to be educated though

Didn't know your name was a racial slur!

Kys retard

>simultaneously too stupid too learn and smart enough to lead a conspiracy that undermines your whole government
racists are so stupid lol

I don't give a fuck what cunts on Twitter are saying. Werewolf Jones was right.

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am i the only one who became less trans after gamergate

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You’re very stupid. American public education was destroyed by racist white people who were willing to nuke property taxes so their kids could go to all white schools

white queers are raised into believing in white supremacist systems, but ultimately should feel deep shame of such a childish perception of the world.

Sorry, captcha was being retarded so I couldn't deliver in time

user, I have the capacity to talk with you, understand your naive and retarded view of racial relationships, while still not agreeing with them. Meanwhile a random nigger would gladly stomp your head in the floor if you look at them the wrong way. But experience will show you, in time, whats the correct, realistic side to take regarding the issue.
I have you hidden for a reason. Dont reply to me.

you don't know how brains and psychological health works
maybe do more shadow work (:

Stop posting 0iq shit and will

isnt she feeling that shame? what is she doing wrong?

Actually this makes me think, a lot of them are saying that she shouldn't admit it AT ALL, EVER, EVEN PRIVATELY. Full on zero admission. Which is a little weird. These people also believe there's no such thing as bigoted repressors, that homophobes are never secretly homosexuals, that transphobes are never secretly transgender.

Are they just trying to maintain and exhibit some kind of "purity" status for LGBt people? That all lgbts come out of the womb as a full blooded leftist?

the abuse i have suffered at the hands of a white supremacist government is a lot worse than getting bashed a few times lol you're still stupid

the push for the denormalization of white supremacist behavior and cultural beliefs is a net positive for the whole of society. the only ones who believe otherwise are whites fearful of a future where they must exist beyond their ancestors racism, suppression, and violence.