Is this person being force femmed by his gf? Is he agp or an egg?

Is this person being force femmed by his gf? Is he agp or an egg?

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he was caught on live stream with a tab open that was either sissy or forced fem

brother forgot to edit his shadow RIP

How do we get sneaky to take care of their body?

whoevers force femming (clearly his asian gf) him needs to fix up his eyebrows and tell him to lose some tummy fat

Oh that's right, totally forgot about that.


he isnt on hrt every year the photo editing becomes stronger and the pics more fake

We've all seen the bulge video by now, yes?

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yeah he's on hrt for sure or just very very very unlucky

all ps no estrogen desu

Does anyone have that clip of him walking back to his computer where it looks like he has tits?


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Honestly. I like it. I'm a dirty boy but I like it. Love handles are a lot nicer than visible ribs.


would nibble that muffin


in case you didn't notice, his pp is very smol


thats cute tho

true, I like Finn's smol pp too

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