Why are FTM troons so rare when compared to MTF?

Why are FTM troons so rare when compared to MTF?

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they're not, ftm out numbers mtfs like 5:1.

on this board, maybe. since this is a malebrained website

but in my irl lgbt+ group, im literally the only non-pooner

da only reason mtfs are more represented in media is because a man in a dress who preys on women is more interesting than a woman on roids

I believed you guys for like a year when you said this. But then you look up actual rates and mtfs are a lot more prevalent

Ummm at least in my city's only LGBT organization at events FTMs outnumber MTFs by far...

That's so fucking bullshit, every troon twitter account i have came across is MTF
This. They are coping so hard

>fearmongering about lgbt

Where are you getting those "actual rates"?

because mtfs are more likely to be terminally online, if you look at irl lgbt spaces they're absolutely dominated by ftms

>because mtfs are more likely to be terminally online, if you look at irl lgbt spaces they're absolutely dominated by ftms
I thought mtf's have female brains?

Becoming a tranny is female brained.

You're both still talking about anecdotal evidence

It's run by some rightoid woman that retired early and now runs an account 9-5 whining about leftists. It's about as demented as you think, and one can only hope that she gets a big whiff of Omicron.

Attached: low poly.jpg (372x301, 14.46K)

Because FTM is an actuall disorder, while MTF is a fetishised view of women

You will never have female chromosomes tho


Oh, as in "look at what these cringe libs are doing trying to support kids whose parents hate them ewwww"

Every time I see this twitter account posted, it seems like it’s trying really hard to get angry over nothing.

XY chromosomes

The account is not run by libs, it's for "exposing" le dumb libs from tik tok

You're 30 and childless, worry about that sweetheart

the op pic makes me really happy, i really want a polar bear mother now

And every troon account I saw on tumblr is by an FTM... your point being? also Tik Tok by far has more FTMs, even though I tried forcing my algorithm to show me only MTF videos, they're just not popular enough there

because ftms on twitter are all art, fandom or tcc accounts lel. youre mtf so youre on the twitter for mtfs
they dont.

>youre mtf
I am not a troon, every time someone posts le "transphobic" tweet only mtf's show up

tiktok tumblr have more ftms because theyre fembrained sites
twitter has about an equal amount, fandom twitter has more ftms because fembrain, politics twitter has more mtfs because malebrain

Yeah, basically. Its for the degenerate hogs of the right to feel like martyrs because someone said something annoying online, but at the very least, its a problem that solves itself for the lower tier Republicans who actually believe the anti-vax shit. I can't imagine the mommy blogger running this shit got the jab, they're not smart enough to get that all the Republicans in congress and at Fox got the vaccine the instant it was available.

>calling someone else degenerate

ftms only outnumber mtfs in youth populations. based on trends, the excess is going to detransition. in adults mtfs outnumber mtfs

I think its because females are allowed to be masculine while males aren’t allowed to be very feminine. Feminine males are either forced to commit to womanhood or hide their femininity. If the femboy movement succeeds, I think the mtf group may reduce.

>based on trends, the excess is going to detransition
They're not even transitioning at all. A lot of the trans rate statistics are based off numbers seeking medical intervention and ftms are always far lower than mtfs