Do the robots think you pass?

Hair pulled back edition

Attached: betaface-logo-medium.png (154x156, 4.71K)

75% female
Also said I look 17
I'm 32
Clearly garbage

96% Male sigmachad

Im shook

Attached: DE352248-248A-4963-B161-83DD0DB437E9.jpg (545x315, 61.26K)


im fucking repping im fucking repping im too fucking old fuckfukc i hate ai what the fuck

Pooners win today

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you use /passgen/ to see if you pass
i use ai websites because im too scared
we are not the same

This thing is busted. I'm not even on hrt and it only pinged male on 1 out of 9, and I specifically didn't cherry-pick for only good photos (even did some hair pulled back and worse lighting). Low confidence rate though so I guess I'm androgynous far as robo is concerned.
Never attractive tho :/ but at least always close to 0%
Oh and age is kiiiinda wack with some at 40 and others in teens, though some were also pretty close so idk

All in all, coulda been worse

It mostly sees me as a 13 year old boy. I'm pretty much pooner moding.

Attached: Screenshot_20220315-130543_Firefox.jpg (1440x2960, 926.83K)

Bump for science

I'm also 32

The not confirmed what I knew… it said male, a low % but still male. It said I wad attractive and that’s fucking wrong lmao.

Pretty sure I should’ve repped and been a gay man if it’s telling me I am attractive man.

oh no? what are you gonna do??

it says i am a 10 year old male

i think the site is broken

tfw gendered female but is 56% confident I'm unattractive :(

Stop hrt, it’s been 9 months almost. I look like a fucking guy still.

I don't think fat redistribution really starts until 6 months assuming your levels are all correct. I would strap in because you're probably at an inflection point.

>just make your face fat

thats literally what hrt does though. its not going to change the underlying skeletal structure

you dont know what it does. got it

am I wrong?


well then awesome. I look forward to these magical bone altering changes. have a good one

>putting words in my mouth
have a good one

holy shit I will never get back those 2 1/2 years where I was too scared to start HRT like a fucking loser. I only repressed for 2 years and I picked up deep MPB, facial hair, and body hair. That's not even mentioning offsetting my chances for hip growth even more, I coulda been a youngshittttt but I was too fucking scared.

Attached: fuckEverythingImGonnaRelapseOnBDDSoBadIfIDontStartPresentingBetterASAP.jpg (821x767, 157.16K)

its cute how you wont let this thread die. fyi, its mutual. I enjoy responding just as much and I eagerly await your next comeback :)