I look so masculine from behind, it's genuinely distressing. i look okayish from the front...

i look so masculine from behind, it's genuinely distressing. i look okayish from the front, but from behind i look like a triangle, my shoulders are so fucking broad it's unreal. i just want to look like a real woman

Attached: 187B4D68-AD7E-4199-8E1C-2FE5D065AF54.jpg (540x540, 33.62K)

for me it isn't even muscle, im a twig. it's all bone, there's nothing i can fucking do. i'm always going to be a hon

Tbh you look pretty good, don't beat yourself up.

I'd tap that.

Cute and absolutely fuckable

not sure what kind of angle you are playing here.. then maybe you two are just retarded.

isn’t op’s pic the goth girl from the breakfast club?

yeah they clocked a cisfoid.

I'd be better to be a femboy than a hon.

yeah, trust me i don't look like that lmao, i just thought she was cool when i first saw it

Idk if I can say that but I'm cis and I'm a triangle as well (people mistake me for a guy from behind when I'm wearing tight clothes) , just say you're italian and italian women have the broadest shoulders ever. Wear loose pants if it bothers you too much.
You look very cute tho.

that's the girl from the breakfast club, i can post an unmasked pic but this is me

Attached: 66AC6666-47B7-444F-B7DF-002912CF4F8E.jpg (809x1767, 254.79K)

you're still hella cute, and your shoulder doesn't look as big as I thought they would (from what you were saying) on this photo.

I think that user is flirting with you cis user.

>i just want to look like a real woman

i just wanted to clarify that i'm not ally sheedy

No need to be shy. Take your shot user, I think she likes you too.

>can't stand being a cis man, never was good at it
>tried the gay hrt femboy cope for a while, still couldn't stand being socially seen as a man

i've tried all flavors of coping and repression but it seems like my brain just wants me to troon out (which i did). i'm friends mostly with cis women but honestly i feel inferior to all of them. i'm taller and broader and more masculine than any of them, im still new to make up and hair and fashion shit (my mainstay band t-shirt, jeans, and like converse or vans). i just feel like i'm less attractive and worse at being feminine than them

>can't stand being a cis man, never was good at it
Never good at it in what way? There's no "correct" way to be a cis man.

hey don't take this the wrong way, but you literally cis pass from up front. if someone says you look like a guy just act offended & they won't think anything of it. people will literally wonder if you're an ftm egg or something I'm serious

maybe "i was bad at it" isn't the best way to put it. i felt incredibly uneasy with masculine gender roles-- i never understood why i had to act like a man, why i had to enjoy certain things and move through the world in a certain way. i'm sure the fact that i'm autistic didn't help. around 5th-6th grade i began to despise my body, i hated the way it was changing and that hate would only grow over time. much of middle and high school was spend sitting alone and zoning out all day, before coming home and daydreaming for hours on end. when i finally started hrt that went away, i stopped maladaptive daydreaming and i began to come out of my shell. i stopped performing masculinity and i stopped male puberty, and honestly it made a massive difference. having a masculine body and performing the male social role just isn't for me. i know "it's just a feeling" is an unsatisfying explanation, but honestly it's just something you feel in your soul

are you referring to the pic of the girl from the breakfast club or the actual pic of me () lmao