Will you take advantage of uterus transplants when the technology finally becomes available?

Will you take advantage of uterus transplants when the technology finally becomes available?

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Fuck no giving birth (even C-section) sounds awful.

How do I clone myself into a duplicate baby rather than birth a sperm baby?

Serious question*

>I have long suspected that the removed parts are
>being used in Frankenstien like research [sic]

I don't think I would desu. But.

why are TERFs so mentally ill?

likely won't become available until 20+ years from now when i'll be too old for it
still i'm glad it'll exist

Everything already gone to fuck. Microplastics are everywhere. Its over for "nature". Might as well create birthing trannies, the mere thought of it gives me christmas like cozy feels.

I am not saying this in service of transphobia, but anyone who trusts scientists is a fucking idiot. I don't mean you should not trust science itself, but scientists? The actual people who do pioneering research and push the boundaries of what is known and what is possible? Not inherently good people.

I mean, you can look at the Nazis and Imperial Japan to see just how easy it was to find scientists eager to jump at the chance to mutilate, torture and murder people just to advance science. But you don't need an evil, tyrannical government to find scientists placing science ahead of ethics and compassion. Look into the history of lobotomies. Look into the history of the early development of sexual reassignment surgery. Scientists overpromise and underdeliver, preying on the desperate and encouraging them to volunteer to be guinea pigs because what are a few lives destroyed if science is advanced?

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No. Giving birth is THE most overrated stereotype of all time. Literally every depiction of it in media is some kind of propaganda. We have to lie to women about how aweful it is because nobody would willing do it if they knew the truth. Pregnancy itself has only negatives be life changing consequences, their is literally nothing about pregnancy that's good, you will be crippled for over a year and your body will be fucked up forever. Giving birth is so bad that almost all women blackout and repress the memory forever, not even like PTSD where you get triggered into remembering shit just full on blacked out.

Also who the fuck actually wants to deal with periods. I can't believe there are mtfs that actually want that shit. It's fucking disgusting and painful, it's like hemmorids for you fucking Genitals, what same person would fucking want that dear god

For thousands of years the uterus was the symbol of the oppressed class. Women we're kept as breeding slaves and that's because of the fucking uterus. The uterus is cursed and nobody in their right mind would willingly trade their dick for it. Sure I'd trade my dick for a vagina and clit but NOT FOR A UTERUS

Like with weed, I'd prefer to grow my own.

user. Uterus transplant literally means women become obsolete that same day. Its revolutionary to the core. Dissolves everything.

A transplant doesn't dissolve shit. The uterus is the fucking problem not the women. Jfc the real glorious day will be when we figure out how to grow ppl in a tube and skip pregnancy all together. Then if you want it be preggers you could stuff some balloons in your shirt and pants, make a photo op, and save yourself the agony of actually having a uterus.

Literally all biology, politics, and gender is centered around reproductive labor. Uterus transplants to AMABs would literally be the most world changing development since life took to the land.

i would love to have kids but with my mental disability i dont think i ever can and also im trans so id just be jealous if the baby was born a girl

Ayyden, take shots.

>inherently good people
Lol fuck that notion. How do you even gauge "inherent goodness". People are conditional assholes. "Hey kid, I wanted to hire you for this job, but your inherent goodness vibe is not registering with my internal Geiger counter"

People respond to incentives. The reason science works is that it forces people, who make claims, to state their claims in a falsifiable way, cross checked by multiple qualified parties. No inherent goodness is needed. Just an ability to meet standards of evidence. The ethics portion isn't supposed to be their job. If you don't like the parameter of ethical boundaries they operate within, then defining those boundaries is something to be addressed by the governing ethics and institutional goals of organizations that back scientists. If you don't like fascist parameters for research, maybe the problem is with the fascists who direct research for their own fascist aims, and not the concept of scientific theory itself.

I would like the idea of being pregnant and having kids but I'm too mentally ill to commit to raising kids for 18+ years. Children deserve a better parent than me

I will immediately ask my sister if she'll spare me gets, if she hasn't already disabled it permanently by then.

I want to be a mother (have my own children with a man I love) and I want men to stay with me and not leave me for a fertile woman
Quite simple

Holy fuck did you ever completely miss the point.

Yes. In a heartbeat. I wanna be a mom so fucking bad, i fantasize about being able to give life to my own kids and raise and nurture and guide them through life I think I'd just absolutely break down in tears if it was actually possible and available to me and real. Like I try not to let myself think about it too much and wish too hard because I don't wanna deal with the disappointment and regret. I've always wanted to raise kids, always wanted to be a mom. I made sure to bank sperm before going on hrt and I know for sure at the very least ill go on domperidone and pump to be able to nurse my kids. I want that connection at least. Even if I can't have them myself I want babies so bad and would love them so much ;~;