Are TERFs dumb?

I don’t even mean this in like a mean way, but I think they genuinely don’t know how to read

Every single time I’ve interacted with a TERF on Twitter it’s like I get an automated response: “Your discomfort with masculinity is not women’s problem”. Their whole point is that there should be no gender roles, but if you mention that males should be able to be feminine they block you and say “No. not my problem”. How is forcing gender roles on males not going to make the problem of people needing to transition more apparent?

I told one earlier “you will never know the pain of being a dysphoric male” and she responds with the “i had dysphoria as a kid”. And it’s just like… did you forget you’re not a male lol? Their whole thing is “you don’t know what it means to be female” but they are so certain they know what it’s like being a dysphoric male and they assume it can just go away or it’s not hard being a gnc male

This has happened many times too. The only time I got an actual response it was from one who told me it would be better for me to die in therapy than wear makeup. I’m not saying I’m stable by any means, but these people seem out of their minds

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yes but in the "a surplus of stupidity is indistinguishable from malice" way. not worth it

"gender critical" parts of the internet are all about showing the worst/scariest parts of anything trans, so these people you're talking are mentally in the frame of reacting to that threat. You can't logic them out of something they didn't logic themselves into.

It's a conspiracy theory, and once someone has subscribed to a conspiracy theory it's very difficult for them to come out of it. This is especially telling when you talk to them about the law or biology. Rather than accepting that the law treat's trans people as their acquired gender they say that the law is "legal fiction" shifting the conversation from what is legal to what is "true", and that truth is based on a TERF framework. Same for biology, explaining that sex is not binary and at the very least is bimodal due to the differences in variations of sex based traits they'll just disregard these variations because they're outliers because it doesn't fit their narrative to define sex as anything but binary.

I mean, have you seen the amount of TERFs who will uncritically ally with anti-LGBT people? Today, Rowling's getting all buddy-buddy with some chick who is part of an anti-LGBT organization. There's no real thought behind being a TERF beyond being a massive asshole to someone society still lets you bully.

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some of them just hate males, have no empathy for males, and want society to run without males. there's really zero appeal to empathy when it comes to terfs, if they had empathy, then they wouldn't be terfs.

yes, but the better question is why are you arguing with them on twitter

and it's not that they're dumb, they're just extreme black and white thinkers and so they'll justify their beliefs by any means. most posters here are the exact same way, they just happen to be dysphoric males so they're stupid about different issues.

Someone must have had a word with her because she's finally started blanking names out of screenshots, but looking at her account she has gone full mask off directly retweeting direct transphobia now not even pretending anymore.

all bigots and radicals are dumb


it's no different from the way TRAs behave though.

all political commitments make you dumb.

>It's a conspiracy theory, and once someone has subscribed to a conspiracy theory it's very difficult for them to come out of it.
exactly. this is also why I have zero sympathy for trans people who are conspiracy theorists, honestly. it's all the same insanity

You know what's funny? CIS women attitudes towards men and transwomen are probably going to be the reason why there are more trans coupled in the future.

>all political commitments make you dumb.
thats also a political commitment youre just a centrist

who does this in 2022. are you 65 years old

They just haven't let Islam into their hearts yet.

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trannies believe in conspiracy theories about christians and putin funding womens groups though.

Look at this shit
> Same for biology, explaining that sex is not binary
What's the third sex and what does it do in reproduction then?

You're a fucking delusional science denier because you lack the language and facility to think about this situation. Many such cases, sad!

Ya someone who's reacting to an unfalsifiable threat, like terfs are, will immediately throw coherent logic out the window and grasp for whatever thoughts or words or narrative serves to keep the threat away.

Another poster said it's a conspiracy theory. Even flat earth theory is based on an unfalsifiable threat. Flat earth videos are all about how the CIA will kill/silence anyone who credibly goes against the round earth narrative. Once the brain is reacting to a threat all logic is gone, but otherwise "smart" people can be victims too.

Idk I tried to logic through it to fix my own internalized transphobia

>I feel that there shouldn’t be an issue with a man dressing in feminine clothes, wearing make-up, and using a feminine name if he says he’s a man
>I don’t think dysphoric people should be restricted from HRT. I think it’s inhumane when effective treatment exists
>I think both of those together should obviously be allowed as a result, yet they say it’s offensive and womanface
>on the opposite side they are adamant that clothes have no gender, and that women can wear anything, act however they want, look however they want, take testosterone and still be women
>they also say a female can always tell when they’re talking with a “dysphoric male”, so the issue of a trans woman presenting feminine should not be a safety issue should she not use women’s facilities called, but several of them still take issue with it, and compare it to blackface

It just makes no logical sense and any time I’ve tried to explain it, they reply with basically “not my problem” and they basically say they don’t care if trans women are hated by men lol

It helped me realize they just hate us

Where did I say I support any particular politics?


You're writing this in obvious bad faith and assuming everyone you're arguing with is the same person. Anyone can look at a broad coalition opposing them and find contradictory arguments because people will join it from different angles. That doesn't mean you must be right.

well, participating in a culture or ideological war means there's no place for rationality, so you're right. I think "TRA" is a misnomer though, since lots of reasonable people want the trans to have rights.