Why did they do it?

Why did they do it?

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please stop posting this

Is it irrational to hate people with fetishes that feel the need to do their nasty shit in public?

i think were too lenient with freaks and weirdos lately, that can only mean one thing...

My therapist says as long as I’m not hurting myself or anyone else (and I’m doing neither) then to feel free to continue doing it! Under the term “paraphilic infantilism” or ageplay to medical professionals, they see it as a healthy coping mechanism.

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how can we ask people to accept us when we have people like this among us? sometimes it really does feel like we're the sick degenerates trying to undermine society's morals

You’re raping everyone else by making them take part in your humiliation fantasies

Dear diaper posters, which letter in lgbt stands for diaper? None? Then stop posting this shit.

bro most transphobes have no clue anyone does this and its not just trans people that do this anyway

good reply

you're right but I still fucking hate these people

female mindset

if you go outside like this you should be publicly hung

the anti-bullying lobby and it's consequences have been a disaster for the tranner race

more devastating than a nuclear bomb

They are not hurting anyone, but it's Shure disgusting

they're hurting the public image of trans people everywhere, in a time where we're still fighting for acceptance
collectively, they do plenty of harm

ehhh… i’m against the concept of having to make the LGBT community “appeal to the masses” rather than be authentic but that’s just me

>not even passable

Would ya'll still hate them if they weren't so fucking ugly?


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