Question for /tttt/

Lets settle this once and for all, /tttt/. Why do you behave like you are capable of giving off-spring when it comes to dating cis-men, why only go for the top 20% of sexually successful 6'5" chiselled chads and never give the average incel or chaser a chance to have a go between your legs!? At least actual femoids have an excuse for this evil behaviour, but femboys & transgirls? Hell some of you cunts used to be one of us, but now after switching sides you've become the worst kind of hypocrites and Chadsexuals! Explain yourselves this instant!

>Transbians fuck off, no one cares what you think

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i thought they were joking when they said this was just blue r9k

why jannies haven't ban this larper already

They're gonna rope at 30 anyway so they just slut out before then (but only to chad)

It's over

The biggest similarity to Any Forums I've noticed is threads suddenly ending without finishing
If the last post was 2 hours ago your thread is on page 8 or 9
and lots of new redundant threads being made

So your last thread died, and you already started a new one with the same text and image, but now you're using a name.

Have you tried not talking about how much you hate women? Like for real, just start up a conversation with a trans woman... and don't talk about how much you think all women only go for chads. Instead talk about her interests... which are probably something cool, like magic: the gathering. And also tell her she's cute and you'd like to take her out for coffee sometime.


I'd date an incel as long as he isn't a heightcel, sorry bro, I'm meta-attracted agp and 5'11, so you gotta be at least 6'0 but i prefer 6'2+ if i'm gonna get any sexual enjoyment out of the relationship

Because I am powerful. I am so powerful that 10/10 chads fuck me and deposit their seed futilely inside me. I am so beautiful sexy and desirable that I get the most handsome men to waste their ability to procreate. I end bloodlines with a glance. That is why. Bow before your transsexual queen and despair.

Idk man, you have been memed too badly
really, women, even those who can breed, are that picky- or you look specifically shitty OR you are just a creep driven by incel idiology.

Go to the gym faggot.


youre a retard


is everything like, ok in life rn? like you spend a lot of time making threads and stuff and you're obvs angry and upset so
yeah you good?


>are you okay??? like this is seriously problematic!!!

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ik im cringe virtue signaling piece of shit srry


>Lets settle this once and for all
>reposts this shit every fucking day of the week.

i literally can't imagine why women don't want to fuck you OP.
